Local KC radio talk host says Lanza will burn in hell

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, this buttresses what I wrote earlier about values. This host said that they shooter will burn in hell but that can't be spoken in a school because of the religious implacations. You can't believe in hell without believing in god. Just pointing out religion was taken from the schools and a fear of hell for terrible behavior.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Okay, this buttresses what I wrote earlier about values. This host said that they shooter will burn in hell but that can't be spoken in a school because of the religious implacations. You can't believe in hell without believing in god. Just pointing out religion was taken from the schools and a fear of hell for terrible behavior. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Religion was never supposed to be taught at school.

That's what Sunday school at a church is for. If you choose to go.

If you don't choose to go, then why should the public schools tell you about hell?

Oh wait, I know!

Because you say so.

Do you understand why you are the worst possible teacher a student can have?

You will ignore the law, your instructor's guide and all of your course objectives to try and teach your own stupid and biased view of the world. A view which is constantly proved wrong and that is warped and shaped by your hatred of America.

Some might say you lack the balls to be a mass shooter and that you can strike back at America much more thoroughly by corrupting large quantities of students.

I wouldn't argue with them.
LexusLover's Avatar
Religion was never supposed to be taught at school. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Really? Never?

"In 1782, the United States Congress passed the following resolution: "The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools." "

That was back when the folks were crafting the 1st amendment.

For your edification, here is a link to a site with cites on the progression of SCOTUS cases that addressed the practice and teaching of religion in the schools in connection with the 1st amend:


You will note that it was not until the mid-20th century that the 1st amendment was interpreted to prevent schools from conducting religious related activities and having ceremonies referencing a belief in God.

"1943 - West Virginia v. Barnette - In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Gobitis and ruled that the free speech and free exercise of religion provisions in the First Amendment guarantee the right of students to be excused from the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance on grounds of conscience and religious liberty. This is the U.S. Supreme Court's first case to address religious liberty in the schools."

IMO the philosophical turning point was the conclusion that the amendments (including the 1st) applied to STATE activity as opposed to the Federal government, which was the judicial (SCOTUS) belief until into the 20th century.
Okay, this buttresses what I wrote earlier about values. This host said that they shooter will burn in hell but that can't be spoken in a school because of the religious implacations. You can't believe in hell without believing in god. Just pointing out religion was taken from the schools and a fear of hell for terrible behavior. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Kids that are in your class will have known Hell...LOL