6 Old-School Myths About Women And Sex, Busted
Myth 1: Women are best suited to sexual monogamy.
Well, OK, I guess we knew this one was a myth unless we just didn't believe our lying eyes!
Myth 2: Women don't crave sex as much as men do.
"Unfortunately, romantic conventions tell women to passively await male sexual advances, while society at large slut-shames women whom are deemed "too sexual." These kinds of pressures inhibit women from pursuing sex as freely as men do. "
Let's get this fixed!
Myth 3: Women aren't as "visually" stimulated as men.
"Though women typically rank their enjoyment of pornography lower than men do in research studies,their brainwave activity is just as responsive. "
Good to know!
Myth 4. Women take much longer to become sexually aroused.
Interesting....read the article to find out!
Myth 5: Women's libidos and sexual enjoyment decrease with age.
"It's mere myth: According to research done by University of Texas psychologist David Buss, women in their 30s and 40s actually have higher sex drives than teenage girls and women in their 20's. What's more, women in their 40s also experience more powerful orgasms and are more likely to be multi-orgasmic, according to a Harvard Health Report"
Lucky ladies!!!
Myth 6: Orgasms make women fall in love; it's hormonal.
Whew! Dodged that bullet!
What do YOU think about all this?