
I may be wrong. Seems like a grudge slander from a notorious member that may have gotten rejected by this lady. This is at least the the 3rd or 4th one of these ads directed towards her.

By the way this lady has recently joined her. I have not heard anything negative about her on here or anywhere else. I also do know a local member that has seen her and had a good time. Maybe if he sees this post he may elaborate.
joyote's Avatar
I don't know who is messing with her or why, but my opinion is that she is sweet and sexy and genuine. See my latest post in the welcome and introductions forum.....

......she is trying to make a go of it here. Let's help her out.
joshf26's Avatar
I think it's a grudge holder. No need to doubt you joyote. But she needs to know. This is pathetic.
joyote's Avatar
Oh, she knows. But what can she do? It does not make her look any better to whine and complain about it. She is dealing with it as best she can, in her own way
When someone did this to me I contacted BP and told them someone was using my images and asked them to remove the ad. The ad was removed, I assume by BP. She may want to do that.
joyote's Avatar
Thanks Nikki, for your suggestion.

Yes, she has taken those steps. Let's hope the attacks will cease.

And yes, it is a grudge holder, but not our famous one, it seems. She thinks it is someone else.