No show Ava

  • 50507
  • 10-30-2018, 04:20 PM
Felt like a little fun today so I perused around and looked for some where to go. Ava seemed like a good choice for the day and I sent her a message. We conversed for a little while and set up an appointment for this afternoon. I sent her a text and told her that I was heading her way about 1 hour before our scheduled appointment. I didn't receive any message back and I thought that was okay at that point, because we had already mentioned about a secure appointment time. Sent her another text about 20 minutes out and still no reply and that's where I started to feel like maybe something isn't going to go right. Send her a third text when I was actually sitting in the hotel parking lot and waiting, and still didn't get a reply. I know things happen in this line of work, so I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and I waited another 45 minutes for a reply. That reply did not come, so I went home.
I'm only writing this right now because I'm a little pissed off that this is actually the second time this week that this happened with a provider in Albany. The other provider basically did the same thing after we had secured and an appointment.
I get it, this is a shady business and things happen, so sometimes you have to roll with the punches. But after all we had conversed about today to set this appointment up, it only would have taken 10 seconds to shoot me a text and say don't drive all the way out here and save the trip.
She sent me a message much later on saying that she had left quickly somewhere and forgotten her phone. Which could be true, but we all know providers live and die by their phones, so I'm not sure I completely buy that story. Right or wrong, so be it, either way I don't think I'm going to give her another shot. Your experience may vary and she might be worth a visit, but I am not going to try again with this one.
You only get one chance to make a good first impression. Seeing that it has happened to you more than once this week, you might want to upgrade your standards a little to a higher class of provider... you know, the kind that value your time.
August Black's Avatar
I agree with Ed. I find it weird in this day and age where people literally have their phones glued to their hands that there isn’t more respect shown towards other’s time. It takes less than 30 seconds to send a text that says “Hey something came up and I won’t be able to honor our scheduled appointment time.” It all boils down to a lack of professionalism.

Don’t let it deter you my man, and always have a 2nd and 3rd option when you’re ready to play, just in case.
  • 50507
  • 10-31-2018, 08:36 AM
I agree with Ed. I find it weird in this day and age where people literally have their phones glued to their hands that there isn’t more respect shown towards other’s time. It takes less than 30 seconds to send a text that says “Hey something came up and I won’t be able to honor our scheduled appointment time.” It all boils down to a lack of professionalism.

Don’t let it deter you my man, and always have a 2nd and 3rd option when you’re ready to play, just in case. Originally Posted by August Black
Yes, completely agree. She knew I was driving more than an hour to get there. Probably double or triple booked to ensure someone would show up, then used the classic excuse of I forgot my phone, or my phone died. Oh well. I just won't go back to her, there are others that will take punctual appointments. It's not going to deter me August, I'm already working on a solid appointment with a beautiful Latina for when I am in Hartford this weekend.
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
August is right- unless I'm at her incall and my dick is in her mouth, I'm working the phone to make sure I have plan B, C, D and E ready to go. And you'd better believe that I let them know I'm not coming once backup is no longer needed. The next time she could be plan A and I don't want to burn any bridges. I've been blown off many times like the rest of you- once I was stood up THREE times in one day, so I know how it feels.
Honestly it probably wasn't even ava who you were texting with but in fact her handler. I'm like 90% sure she runs with the Tiffany/Brooke crew. As you know this is common for the hobby. I personally steer clear of those situations and try to see only indie providers with no known or obvious demons. Could be wrong as well just putting my $.02
57fubar's Avatar
anybody recognize the room where her latest pictures were taken??

I'm looking for a decent motel with an in room hot tub or jacuzzi .... thnx in advance