I can't possibly be the only person that believes this: it shouldn't be "black lives matter," it should be "all lives matter." I'm pretty sick of this movement, I find it incredibly racist toward every ethnicity besides African Americans. (Which, btw, if we're being politically correct, shouldn't it be African American lives matter? Isn't saying black lives politically incorrect?) White people kill black people, black people kill white people, Mexicans kill white people, Asian people kill Mexicans, yada yada yada. Yes there is racism, but I believe there is a lot less of it than what is portrayed. I think people concentrate waaaaay too much on the color of a person's skin. The minute a black person is killed by a white person, it is immediately labeled a hate crime. And our African American President sure isn't helping to put out any fires in that category. It seems like he fuels it. Enough. I'm sure I'll get some hate mail for this. But I stand by it. I discriminate not by the color of someone's skin, but by the quality of a person and the standards they hold themselves to.