STD's and an idea

TheBizzer's Avatar
There has been murmuring lately about STD's and bbfs, so I was thinking (actually, one guy mentioned something in another thread that led me to this), what if p411 offered providers the option to provide current medical records indicating they were disease free, and added a "verified" mark on their p411 profiles? P411 could offer the same for hobbyists as well. Maybe Gina would have to charge more for this as a premium service, or the ability to see it, but I think it would be worth it to many.

There would obviously be logistical items to iron out, such as how often the records would need to be updated, as well as privacy issues regarding sending medical records with your real name (this would be a big issue I imagine).

Just throwing it out there, any thoughts?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I doubt that will ever work, how do we know the person did not bb someone the night or week before and catch something? Also some std's take a while to show up.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Not sure that ECCIE ownership would want to be put in a position like that.

Playing in the hobby means you take risks and ECCIE is simply a discussion board and I doubt the ECCIE owners have any desire to become the hobby police with regard to this matter that is happening between 2 consenting adults.

Even in the porn industry where folks are checked for things such as HIV, there are numerous other STDs that aren't deadly and so are passed about in porn. Gifts that keep on giving.

The verified provider status that ECCIE uses to cut down on ad placement doesn't mean the provider is worth a damn. Hell, there are providers who get that status who really should seek other lines of employment but the owners here do the best they can just granting ad access.

A person can have an STD test, leave the testing facility, share a needle and WHAM they have an STD.

Always assume the person you are having sex with is infected and take appropriate measures for your own safety. Don't try to shuffle the responsibility onto a review board such as ECCIE.

Just like Smokey the Bear said about how "Only you can prevent forest fires". only you can protect yourself from catching an STD.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
LL, I have to agree with you on this one
TheBizzer's Avatar
I doubt that will ever work, how do we know the person did not bb someone the night or week before and catch something? Also some std's take a while to show up. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
It wouldn't be perfect, obviously, much the same way that the system the porn industry uses isn't perfect. However, it would allow somebody to restrict the people they see to those that get regularly tested, if they so choose.


I'm not suggesting ECCIE have anything to do with it. I think it would work best as a premium service on a screening service like p411 in which members could choose to participate or not participate. Participating would merely give them a competitive advantage, and p411 could generate a revenue stream through it.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
There has been murmuring lately about STD's and bbfs, so I was thinking (actually, one guy mentioned something in another thread that led me to this) Originally Posted by TheBizzer
What's the other thread? .. I have no dog in this fight, but your idea could go bad for a good handful of people.

What would that say about a person with no medical records at all? Could it really be only optional? It would almost have to be mandatory or you might as well have a sign reading: "I've been burning people since 2008 bang me at your own risk."

After the medical test, the individual must stay in quarantine for 6 months. Then you're good to go!
Good idea but I doubt any website or service would be willing to assume the risk of placing a check mark next to a Provider's name based upon the reasons described in prior responses. It'd be hell coming down the track if a Provider gets a check mark, contracts an STD from someone immediately thereafter, has some customers over for some fun and THEN discovers that itch ain't from an ant bite!
when it comes to STD, it needs to be every 3 months, mainly due to HIV antibodies showing up in blood. Now if someone has normal STD labs 1 week ago and had exposure 2 days later, you are still at risk because of the HIV virus and all of the other STD. Key is protection and knowledge of who you are with. also will have difficult time to post STD for others to see due to Federal privacy rules, unless a provider gives actual test results on paper or access key to their lab results online.
The thread you are talking about is this one:

Gina already offered her view on this, and left no doubts on where she stands concerning this proposal:

I would never, EVER, do any sort of testing on P411 as discussed here. People need to take responsibility for their own health and protect themselves accordingly. A good number of both clients and providers have STIs, and that won't change any time soon. A smart person acts accordingly.
*Emphasis added

I don't think she needs to clarify her statement any further but then again, I am reasonable and can respect her wishes.

Perhaps there is some wisdom to take into consideration when she says; "People need to take responsibility for their own health and protect themselves accordingly."

TheBizzer's Avatar
The thread you are talking about is this one:

Gina already offered her view on this, and left no doubts on where she stands concerning this proposal:

*Emphasis added

I don't think she needs to clarify her statement any further but then again, I am reasonable and can respect her wishes.

Perhaps there is some wisdom to take into consideration when she says; "People need to take responsibility for their own health and protect themselves accordingly."

Mat Originally Posted by Matador
I had not seen that thread. The thread(s) I was referencing was by a provider and locked down immediately, with subsequent commentary in private.

If that's gina's stand, than I guess there's no more point in discussing it. For the record, I wasn't discussing this as a way to shift personal responsibility to p411 or anybody else. It's not like I titled the thread "a way for us all to bareback with no worries". I understand that regular testing is not foolproof and does not guarantee anything, but to suggest that it doesn't minimize risk to a certain degree is ludicrous, IMO.

Mods, you can probably close this one since it's a mute point.
And I do apologize to you if my reply somehow came across as unfriendly. I wanted to be direct and meant nothing more by it. I obviously was also wrong about which thread you were referring to. Now that you clarified that, I know what you mean, as I have seen that other thread and some comments. It is very scary out there. Stay safe everyone.
TheBizzer's Avatar
No worries, matador
There has been murmuring lately about STD's and bbfs, so I was thinking (actually, one guy mentioned something in another thread that led me to this), what if p411 offered providers the option to provide current medical records indicating they were disease free, and added a "verified" mark on their p411 profiles? P411 could offer the same for hobbyists as well. Maybe Gina would have to charge more for this as a premium service, or the ability to see it, but I think it would be worth it to many.

There would obviously be logistical items to iron out, such as how often the records would need to be updated, as well as privacy issues regarding sending medical records with your real name (this would be a big issue I imagine).

Just throwing it out there, any thoughts? Originally Posted by TheBizzer
You are very worried about STDs. The best way to avoid getting an STD from a provider is to stop seeing providers. Why do guys keep trying to get someone else (usually Gina) for their health? It's your health, take responsibility.
TexTushHog's Avatar
My initial thought was that it was a good idea. But about ten seconds later, when you start thinking about the implications, you start to have substantial doubts. Aside from the question of limiting the screening site's liability and the trouble of insuring that the provider in question is actually the one who gave the blood (and you would almost have to have the screening site do the draw), then there would be pressure from providers to have an option for clients to be cleared. Some clients would agree.

Then the real trouble begins. You now have a potential client and a potential provider who have both been certified (presumably reliably) by a neutral third party arbiter as STD free, at least to the degree that current technology can so certify. Then the customer starts to lobby for BBFS.

At some point, now that the risks have in face been minimized (though not eliminated) some provider will agree, likely at first for a price premium. Then if that turns out to be a competitive advantage -- probably called "True Girlfriend Experience" or TGFE -- and more hobbyists lobby for it, more providers give in and provide it. Then, because the screening process isn't perfect, more disease gets spread, etc.

Interesting. But easy to foresee lots of wrinkles and complications that might make it a very different animal than first intended.