So, when the ladies almost outnumber the gents at our hot summer happy hour ...

ck1942's Avatar
It's always great to see the crowd, right at 40 folks have some great fellowship, food and drink.

And more then half of the crowd helped extend the camaraderie way beyond the official 8 p.m. close.

Per the usual event rules, those attending may disclose only their own presence. Obviously, the UTRs won't be disclosing much of anything.

Interesting convo tonight even about some RW stuff, travels, vacations and, yes, new and old tattoos, pets, and maybe even some other "stuff."

Like gearing up a posse (or was that a passle?) to car pool south on Thursday and "flesh out" Thursday's San Antonio happy hour. Hint hint -- plenty of space and everyone on the Austin guest list has an invite to SA.

See y'all next month and sending out a "South Austin" survey next day or two to gauge interest in restarting some events south of the Lady Bird.
Wakeup's Avatar
What time did Vice show up?
Thanks CK. Great time when there is an equal number of sausage and taco participants. There were a lot of new folks and many old timers, all meeting and greeting one another. It seemed like most were on their phones, getting text numbers so as to be able to facilitate easy communications with their new friends.

I did notice that the warm weather allowed many of the ladies to have some hot-looking outfits that in some cases left very little to the imagination, all in good taste of course.

And then there was the post-event activities, which I will leave to others to outline.

On a personal note, if you meet and greet several new people at a social, you are not concerned about who will be on the other side the door at a future meeting. I think everyone found several members who they would like to see again in a more personal setting, BCD.
Wakeup's Avatar
On a personal note, if you meet and greet several new people at a social, you are not concerned about who will be on the other side the door at a future meeting. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
APD agrees!
Treetop78759's Avatar
It's great putting a face to a handle. Thank you sir.
What time did Vice show up? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Who are you? What business of yours are our Austin activities. You just show up on-line to piss in all the fun that others are having. Sorry, you appear to be nothing but sour grapes.

Your actions appear to be that of just a HOUSTON Troll, someone who drops in on Austin board activities of which do not concern you. Aren't there more pressing issues in Houston for your attention? Or, have the folks in Houston quit listening to you and have you on "ignore."

Why do you put yourself out to the public as a Mod, "Valerie's Mod Husband," when that is NOT CORRECT. YOU are NOT LISTED as anyone who has authority in eccie. Can you show everyone where your name is on this list of Mods/Admins/Testers/Ambassadors, etc.

That's right, your handle was NOT listed. Why do you imply that you are a Mod.

You appear to be purporting yourself as a Mod when you are not. Does that violate eccie guidelines? You should know, you pretend to be a Mod!

APD agrees! Originally Posted by Wakeup
Suggest that you go back and harass your friends in Houston, we don't need you or your divisive comments here.

A number of people in Austin work diligently to host these simple little meet & greet socials, which are a lot of fun, with great spirit and camaraderie, and enjoyed by all. It is a small close group and everyone attending is well-known by many others.

Please have a current participant vouch for your credibility and integrity so you might attend a future event and learn more.

What, you don't have anyone who can do that? What about the "wife" listed in your signature? Is she a verified provider who could vouch for you?

Now, Please Go Away.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why do you put yourself out to the public as a Mod... Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Um...because I am...

YOU are NOT LISTED as anyone who has authority in eccie. Can you show everyone where your name is on this list of Mods/Admins/Testers/Ambassadors, etc.

That's right, your handle was NOT listed. Why do you imply that you are a Mod. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Tell me, genius, do you see all of the moderators of the national, or local female-only forums on that list? Do they not have moderators? You might want to consider the fact that there are areas of this board, WAY beyond the female-only forums, that you have NO idea about, have no access to, and can't fathom. Those areas have moderators...just because I choose not to moderate any city based forum means nothing concerning my moderator status.

You appear to be purporting yourself as a Mod when you are not. Does that violate eccie guidelines? You should know, you pretend to be a Mod! Originally Posted by BugleBoy
So what's more likely? I'm lying about being a moderator, and all of the moderators and admins on that list are letting me get away with it, or that I'm actually a moderator, and you just don't know it?

Suggest that you go back and harass your friends in Houston, we don't need you or your divisive comments here.

A number of people in Austin work diligently to host these simple little meet & greet socials, which are a lot of fun, with great spirit and camaraderie, and enjoyed by all. It is a small close group and everyone attending is well-known by many others. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
See, you actually DO need my comments in one particular area. Think to yourself...why would this guy from another city be commenting on Austin and San Antonio police activity at the "socials"? Hint: It's not because ck had a social in Houston that was raided by HPD...even thought he did...let's just say that those two departments are REMARKABLY well informed, by a very reputable source. So, you keep talking about your "socials", your attendance numbers, your "gathering numbers to facilitate easy communications", and all the "after party" stuff that happens...nothing to see here...
Still Looking's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
Point of Order: Wakeup is on the modtard list......right under VIPRaniLane
Wakeup's Avatar
Now THAT shit is funny right there.
dearhunter's Avatar
That is not saying much. I am on there too. The place is overflowing with baby seals.
That is not saying much. I am on there too. The place is overflowing with baby seals. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Point of Order: Wakeup is on the modtard list......right under VIPRaniLane Originally Posted by dearhunter
I have no doubt there are areas for which regular members do not have access. WRT to Mods, here is what I saw:
Three Provider/Moderators:
Lea Madisson
Followed by Test Mods
Others . . .
Obviously, based on your and Wakeup's comments above, as a regular PA member I don't have access authority to view Wakeup on the roster based on his status.

It would be interesting to know what "ambassador" status is all about and the role of "Test" members. Some of us with IT/testing/PM backgrounds might be happy to freely assist staff on these matters if we knew of volunteer needs.

Wakeup may have valid points to make WRT to his concerns about LE, but presenting his comments in a less snarky manner may have been a more effective mode of communications. Isn't this what this board is all about??

The tone and tenor of my reply was patterned to match that of his original comments. No disrespect intended.
Wakeup's Avatar
Wakeup may have valid points to make WRT to his concerns about LE, but presenting his comments in a less snarky manner may have been a more effective mode of communications. Isn't this what this board is all about?? Originally Posted by BugleBoy
Yeah, you must be new here...

I'm not here to be an effective communicator. I'm here to amuse myself by rubbing people's noses in the fact that I'm much more intelligent than they are. This board is an endless source of amusement to me...and that's what this board is all about...
Yeah, you must be new here...Not really, but I don't get out much from Austin.

Take my comments with a grain of salt, as I am working to further enhance my passive aggressive persona, but every once in a while, I let go with a hum dingier, and raise a little ruckus.

I'm not here to be an effective communicator. I'm here to amuse myself by rubbing people's noses in the fact that I'm much more intelligent than they are. This board is an endless source of amusement to me...and that's what this board is all about...
I don't know if you are paid staff or an active volunteer, but we must assume you are making your supervisors happy in the manner you conduct your business.

Well, I am not one to challenge others' superior intellect, since I normally have to work twice as hard on a task just to match the performance of the really intelligent people. I too find the board an endless source of amusement and funnies, but on occasion something will set me off. It won't happen very often, but it probably will happen again one day in the future.
Originally Posted by Wakeup
russellevans's Avatar
Hint: It's not because ck had a social in Houston that was raided by HPD...even though he did... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Raided?! RAIDED??!!!

Wow this guy is not just an unintelligent clown, he's actually dangerous to associate with. Drawing LE attention to people for his own gain.

Conversations about vacations and travels....? How unremarkable.