Slow motherfuckers in the left hand lane

dallasfan's Avatar
I’m normally a pretty laid back and calm person except when i’m Driving on the interstate and it mainly has to do with slow people in the left lane driving slow. Slow being you are blocking cars that want to pass behind you. They can be going over the speed limit but if you are blocking traffic flow you are slow
I call it my driving Tourette’s. It only cuts on when i’m Driving.

From driving a stretch of I-20 from dallas and to the east, I have noticed the main culprits. These are people that just won’t move over.

1) truck drivers. Why do they get in the left lane and slow down to 60 and just sit there and block traffic?
2) trucks with horse trailers.
3) the number 1 brand of cars that drive slow in the left hand lane are Kia for some reason. Guess if you picked a Kia as your car you are not that brilliant. Then a big gap and The second is Hyundai.
4) the top demographic is black females.

Am I right? Next time you pass one of these cars Take note.
CG2014's Avatar
I hate those idiots.

Then when you try to pass them on the right, they speed up and match your speed and drive side by side with you and that's a no no, very dangerous driving with an accident waiting to happen.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup going to a session I fell the same way !!!!!!!!!!, Most people (morons) don't understand they are to be in the right lane ,other then passing, and Kia s well that answered itself
koseylee's Avatar
Seems the #1area for this is Hwy 67 east of I35 to Cedar Hill. And yes the most common culprit is an older black female in some sort of economy car. Drives me NUTS.
Surprised no one has cried age discrimination...and racism...and stereotyping due to your class-ism (economy car)...I agree on all points though, i've experienced it myself twice over the weekend...almost got in a wreck when I was travelling about 20mph faster than the car in the left lane and when I changed lanes to get around her she pretty much changed lanes right into me and forced me to abruptly jump over a lane and slam on the brake, luckily the vehicle next to me was slightly ahead so there was no accident.
CG2014's Avatar
Most of the time when I come across someone who hogs the left lane and goes slow,

it's always the Asian drivers,

specifically a young Asian female no older than early 20's.

Asian female drivers are the worse.

They are almost always in a Toyota

or Honda

When they are on the right lane to make a right turn,

they always want to pull into the left lane (without checking for traffic or signaling) to make that right turn!

come on China Girl!

That ain't an 18 wheeler trailer you are driving!

This visual aid pretty much represents most Asian drivers:


The events and opinions depicted in this ^^^ post are fictitious.

Any similarity to any person or to any particular ethnic group or race, living or dead , is merely coincidental.

No Asians were harmed in the making of this reply.

We all love Asians.

Without them we wouldn't have sushi or anyone to assemble iPhones.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 07-02-2018, 07:05 PM
Amen.....I swear that one of these days I am going to go BSC from these no drivin mother fucking pieces of shit. Today, on 75 going to get on 190.....what happens, some old fucking hag looking at her phone, she has to slow to fucking 30 miles an hour. For fuck sake figure out where you are going before you get there. Fucking ass chumps......breathe....breathe .....ok...whoo that was almost a vein popper
Dam i can't stand that. Like move already
Randall Creed's Avatar
I never notice the particular demographics of each asshole that I have to deal with in traffic. Hell, I'm the ONLY person that knows how to drive anyway, so it's a wide variety from my perspective. White, Black, Asian, Mexican. Doesn't matter. All dumbasses are created equally.

Yeah, you got your left lane slow pokers, but FUCKERS I also hate are:

Dipshits who use the main lanes to slow down into a turning lane with a long runoff. Instead of getting in said turning lane and slowing down, they stay in my fucking way and only switch at the last minute, making me slow down for way too long.

Blind spot squatters. Ever go to change lanes, but...OH, SHIT...right as you prepare to change, some asshat right out of nowhere starts creeping up on that space. It's called a blind spot for a reason. We don't see your dumb ass in that spot. You as a driver need to be AWARE that you're in someone's blind spot, and make efforts to get out of it.

People who, in the turning lane (you're behind them), and the turning light is reaching its expiration, these fuckers who don't get more forward (technically into the middle of the intersection, or close to) so that as the last car that's holding us up passes by, they can go. If things break well, BOTH of you can go. But no. These fuckers hang back, basically still in the turning lane, and as the light is changing, they don't advance. So now we gotta wait through the next turning cycle. Some intersection lights are quick cycling. Many times, you're in those intersections that have SHITTY turning cycles. You can read a book forwards and backwards before the light changes. Damn near an entire song has played. In these type of intersections, you gotta be a little more aggressive to get out of...but when you're behind a DOUCHE that's in no hurry...

People who don't turn right on red lights that allow turns on the red light. If you're one of these people, you fucking suck. Period.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 07-03-2018, 07:31 PM
How about the fucking idiots that see the merge arrow ahead and stay in the lane and then want you to stop and let them in......fucking waste of skin mother fuckers...AAAARRRRGGGGG!!!!!
I thought of this, when I read the title to this thread:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
TexTushHog's Avatar
There is NO lane discipline in the US. Like most things, it is much better in Europe.
I'm not sure who pisses me off more...slow drivers in the left lane, assholes who don't turn right at a redlight or the impatient douche bag that honks as soon as the light turns green! I literally sit there till the light changes yellow because FUCK YOU. Road rage. That struggle is REAL.
Ravasher's Avatar
Don't forget the young guys with truck sthat are abnormally large (most likely to make up for something tbats abnormally small) they look right at you speed up and try and run you off the road.
billw1032's Avatar
Wide trucks in narrow lanes. I know it's a challenge to drive a standard 18-wheeler or other large vehicle in the narrow lanes we've been given on some freeways, but at least they could try to pay close attention and keep it between the lines. If they can't do that, take another route!