I saw this ad for a product called Scrogard
Now I do have a SO, so I worry about bringing things home, you know? But the hobby has risks. I mean I try and minimize those by finding girls I really adore and being regular - so not a random stranger every time, and not as many. I've doused in rubbing alcohol afterwards a few times. Ive said 'no' when a situation is too sketchy, etc but none if this guarantees anything.
I think this Scroguard kind of thing might actually make me feel a lot less paranoid that I could bring home something but has anyone here tried it? It looks like it might be kinda like doing it through my boxers (which I have done and isnt the worst). Girls, what do you think? Dudes? Is it uncomfortable or weird? Does it smell? Is a girl going to get offended or like it?