wonder how today's Fort Worth Church shooting will play out? early reports emphasize the Church angle, but no comparison to the Church shooting near Houston.. I think caution is being shown.. we don't know the shooter's name or motive just yet. considering that multiple Church Congregants opened fire on the Shooter, quickly, I think it will be viewed as a major victory for the idea of conceal/carry.
that photo is kind of revealing.. I'm not talking about the gunman seen in the top left corner. the pic reveals just how OLD most Church-goers are today.. and how WHITE this particular Church is.. of course, segregation, as Dr. King famously said, is at its highest in the Church. you can see a couple of blacks at the very bottom of the pic, and 2 younger white guys to their left, one looking bored as Hell in his posture. interesting and revealing that both young and black are sitting off in the back corner, while the mass of old white people take up the remaining space.