I don't want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable.

bambino's Avatar
I don’t want to live in a country where real criminals run free.
Great use of satire.
HDGristle's Avatar
I don’t want to live in a country where real criminals run free. Originally Posted by bambino
You have your whole life. So have I. And yet we soldier on.
I don't want to live in a country where anybody under investigation by the FBI can run for POTUS. Lol. Remember that ol' trumpy chestnut? Well, not only is he under investigation, he's now been indicted twice (with at least two more on the way).

I don't want to live in a country where the "do as I say, not as I do" people have ultimate power.

I don't want to live in a country where the "do as I say, not as I do" people have ultimate power. Originally Posted by tommy156
You're already there, mate. ... That's what you're seeing NOW.
With the Deep State "Swamp" ... If they can rig "false charges"
against Trump - which they've done a number of times now -
how do you expect to go back to the land of Truth and Honesty?

WHY is it always the FBI/DOJ outright Lying?

#### Salty
If your only bastion of truth and light is trump, I feel sorry for you.

And why do you let him contradict himself at every turn, then just give him a pass? In 2016, he tried his best to "lock her up" and if he would have been successful, you all would've cheered. Now, he's crying about Biden locking up his political opponents?

He also said that anyone under investigation by the FBI shouldn't be allowed to run for POTUS. Now he's already been indicted and you're still carrying his water for him?

This is why we call it a cult. It's the textbook definition of one.
it obvious who read the article, and who didn't. just saying
berryberry's Avatar
You're already there, mate. ... That's what you're seeing NOW.
With the Deep State "Swamp" ... If they can rig "false charges"
against Trump - which they've done a number of times now -
how do you expect to go back to the land of Truth and Honesty?

WHY is it always the FBI/DOJ outright Lying?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Because Democrats are corrupt Salty. The majority of the American people when polled believe the FBI is so corrupt they are Senile Biden's Personal Gestapo. The corrupt DOJ is just as bad

Normal Americans see what is going on and know the truth whereas the TDS cultists do not