Calling it quits

Alayna Seduction's Avatar
I think I'll be getting out of the hobby here soon......seems like a waste of time as of recently, even after adding greek to my menu

I don't know what's been up, if it's just because it's the end of the month of what, but a high majority are being extremely flakey and/or cheap....👎

I would benefit more by spending the time i do in the hobby at my normal 9-5.

Things just aren't what they used to be.

Don't mind me, just venting!
Sadly, I don't think the guys in this town realize they're shooting their own feet when they complain about bad providers, but think 300 is an outrageous fee.

They don't want to pay for fees worth OUR time, because yes, we have value independent of their dicks, so we go back to whichever jobs or utr clients that were already paying what we're worth. You have 12 pages of "yes" reviews (tbh I got bored after like 8 pages, I assume the rest are yes as well); it's not you, it's them.
End/start of the month means rent and other bills are due. Happens both ways for providers and hobbyists. Some providers need cash quick and offer specials. Many hobbyists as a result are expecting or hoping for those specials at certain times of the month (whether because they're on a budget or because they've grown accustomed to those specials). Pretty sure this is not new for anybody.
russellevans's Avatar
When you can't get business it's time to move on, sad but true. There are new hookers entering the game every year.
You had a good run. The hobby should only be supplemental income anyway otherwise you just get beat up, worn out and owned by it.

Keep a few favorites for your savings account but definitely go back to your real job especially if it pays as well as hooking. Working in the RW will help keep your feet planted firmly on solid ground.

It will also help minimize the jaded outlook that the full timers eventually acquire toward men and life.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Sorry we never got to meet. You look lovely.
Sorry we never got to meet. You look lovely. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
She didn't say she's gone. She said she may be leaving soon so if you're serious about wanting to meet her PM is your best friend.
nothingtolose's Avatar
Maybe you can try to put more passion into your hobby.
Think about passionate wet DFK..................instead of Greek.
You had a good run. The hobby should only be supplemental income anyway otherwise you just get beat up, worn out and owned by it.

Keep a few favorites for your savings account but definitely go back to your real job especially if it pays as well as hooking. Working in the RW will help keep your feet planted firmly on solid ground.

It will also help minimize the jaded outlook that the full timers eventually acquire toward men and life.
. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
Wise Words.
Raikage's Avatar
This is not a full time job, those who try to make it a full time job will inevitably have a bad time. This should only be seen as bonus cash
This is not a full time job, those who try to make it a full time job will inevitably have a bad time. This should only be seen as bonus cash Originally Posted by Raikage
Who are you to say whether or not a woman should make this a full time operation or not? How do you know that making it one will definitely lead to a "bad time"? (each and every time, huh?) No offense, but someone who not only does not have a woman's experience in the profession, but also doesn't have the possibility of garnering those experiences should not be giving such wide imperatives as to how much time one should spend doing it or how much of their bills they cover with said involvement.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah've known a lot of hoogars on tha Austin boards (Delphi, ASPD, Eccie) o'er tha y'ars. Coupla thangs seem consistent: #1) tha fellers is fickle. "Fresh Meat" gen'ra-lee trumps ree-lie-ah-bill-it-tee, #2) If'n tha mah-jor-ah-tee o' us fellers had ta cum-pete wif all tha young bucks downtown onna weekend nite fer pussy, most' uv us wuld all be dead a-fore we'd get laid a'gin, #3) Havin' enuff munny ($$$) ta git gals ta tend ta our salamis fer a l'il bit o' time gives sum o' us fellers a bit o' an demandin' attitude. Thet's jus' tha way it is.
This is not a full time job, those who try to make it a full time job will inevitably have a bad time. This should only be seen as bonus cash Originally Posted by Raikage

This is my "full time job" and it's plenty sufficient in more like part time hours, but full time + pay.

I always have a great time!

Just saying. *skating along*

But you know this.
Thet's jus' tha way it is. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

I refuse to let it stay that way. Austin is an anomaly and anyone looking to work in this business and enjoy it needs to work in a different town. How eccie guys and mods treat Austin providers is not necessarily standard across the industry.

They're struggling with their waning relevance, ignored due to their naïveté, and taking it out on the whore class.

ck1942's Avatar
Interesting discourse, pov's and some discussion, above.

Speaking from my pov (more than 40 years -- yes 4 decades!) of hobbying, and my personal knowledge of dozens of ladies who each have marked 10 or more years in the hobby) I have found that:

-- Attitude is probably 75 percent of the biz for the ladies, and even more for the guys

-- Service levels and an ability to show high levels of IOP (illusion of passion) is possibly 75 percent of the success level for the ladies; the rest is rates, pulchritude/beauty and an ability to conversate. For the guys, maybe 50 pct IOP, and the rest might be equally split between service levels and rates.

I ask ladies (and gents, too) three questions.

-- Do you enjoy sex?
-- Do you enjoy intimacy?

(and do you know the difference? and then I ask)

-- For the rest of your life you must give up one or the other. Which do you give up?

Suspecting I am that most mature (this refers not to age, necessarily, but to emotional maturity) gents & ladies would tend to give up the sex part but not the intimacy portion.

Thus, when I state that I know several ladies who have been in the biz about as long as I have been in the hobby, I know they have been making way more than a "living." And I have known more than a few ladies who have "retired" from the life with financial assets in excess of $500 K. No sheeeyat!

These ladies, certainly, know the intimate fun formula associated with a successful biz career.

And, for those who know how to research, you can locate these types of ladies not only in an Austin or a San Antonio, but also in Dallas, in Houston and many cities beyond.

= = = = =

All of us need to:

-- have a real life outside of the hobby portion
-- take a hobby/work break from time to time to recharge both our physical and emotional batteries.