Shortcut to Liberal Verson of Fox'N'Friends

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, instead of being like Cute Ol' Shit for Brains, I'll just let you guys peruse through the list of subjects on the right hand side of this rather amazing article regarding "Islamic Bias," in Texas Public Schools. As usual, there was no "there" there in this latest little witch hunt.

I apologise for not spreading it deep and wide like our resident "geniuses," but instead will let you pick whatever article you would like to read, or not.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Aw c'mon Teawipes and any non-Texicans out there in radioland. Here's a great article about some Redwing Nut's email that started a study at taxpayer expense about how Texas schools are biased in favor of Islam and teaching it as such.

You can't get any more All-American than that!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL! And they are singing soprano since most of the Teawipes are lacking in the stone department. Can't deal with even small factoids.
I still cant understand why anyone would consider watching anything but FOX NEWS. The rest of the media is a whole bunch of left wing horse shit,
Yssup Rider's Avatar
spoken like a true Mushroom Man.