instant tea

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
does anyone know how much instant tea to pour in a 16oz water bottle?

does anyone know how much instant tea to pour in a 16oz water bottle?

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I guess no one has figured this out. I tried looking for the answer but came up short. hope you figured it out.
juan2fork's Avatar
Twice as much as an 8 oz glass.
causewaycommuter's Avatar
Juan, I was waiting for someone to throw that out there. I thought about going the "half as much as a 32 oz serving" route... Let's see, there are 128 oz in a gallon (unless you are talking about an Imperial gallon, which contains 160 Imperial ounces, of course), so that would be 1/8 of the amount needed for a gallon.

Or you could just do what I do and dump 3 heaping spoonfulls in and shake it up. If it needs more, then ad more. If it's too strong, I slug a couple of swigs and add some water.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

ok, Looks like I found something I can work with.

1 cup = 8oz - 1-1/2 tbsp

2 cup = 16 oz - ?

3 cup = 24 oz - ?

4 cup = 32 oz - 2 tbsp

it look like 16 (actually 16.9) oz bottle would take between 1-1/2 to 2 tbsp
juan2fork's Avatar
Are you sure it wasn't 1 cup = 8oz- 1 1/2 tsp?

Because 3 tsp = 1 tbsp
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Are you sure it wasn't 1 cup = 8oz- 1 1/2 tsp?

Because 3 tsp = 1 tbsp Originally Posted by juan2fork
if you go to the link provided, it says tbsp