I'm pissed off

juan2fork's Avatar
Stormy isn't running.

Now I have to decide which fraud to vote for.
docdavid49's Avatar
Long as he/she is not an incumbent I don't give a crap... they are all crooks.

So.... take your pick Juan!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 04-16-2010, 03:28 PM
Too bad.... punching her ballot looks like fun!

But.... all bullshit aside... Stormy never got to be as big a whore as Mary Landrieu!!

Lousyana in the Rear View Mirror.... what a pleasant sight!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Is on the girl.... annie
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
did you really think that Stormy was gonna run???? LOL!

Stick with Vitter. he's much better than melancooties.
juan2fork's Avatar
Why, because he likes paying for a woman's company? He's a sanctimonious hypocrite with his "family values" bullshit.

The one thing I can say for Melancon is that he doesn't claim to be morally superior. He's full of shit, just not that full of shit.
  • MrGiz
  • 04-17-2010, 07:07 AM
Can anyone name "one" congress-person from either the Senate or House who really earns their money?

Another thing just hit me.... is it a coincedence that Nancy is Speaker of the H.O.R.'s ?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why, because he likes paying for a woman's company? He's a sanctimonious hypocrite with his "family values" bullshit.

The one thing I can say for Melancon is that he doesn't claim to be morally superior. He's full of shit, just not that full of shit. Originally Posted by juan2fork

he maybe a hypocrit, but at least hes' consistent.
trekker's Avatar
With all the reasons given for her deciding not to run, nobody has mentioned the one reason why she can't be elected in November: she's too young. A person has to be at least 35 to be a senator. Now, in 2012, that'll be a different story. It might be kinda cool to be represented by someone who once masturbated while sitting in my lap(back in her stripper days)
cajunmac's Avatar
Oh man... I remember her back from the Sugar's days!