A site for sore eyes?

I'm curious about websites. Do you feel that a serious provider should have a website? If so, one she operates? I thought a website was only needed if this is a very long-term plan, but i'm beginning to think otherwise. I'd love some feedback about this!!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Many "serious" providers have no websites. For me as long as I know what to expect or she can give me what I'm looking for in a showcase or p411 profile I don't even bother looking at her website.
If the necessary information is presented clearly on an ECCIE showcase, a p411 profile, and advertisements, a website isn't a must. I have contacted many great providers based solely on their showcase and reviews without being aware that they even had a website.

Of course, your own site doesn't hurt anything, but your profiles on the various boards can function the same way.
Thanks for the info!!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
A website is great to have. I too started with out one, but boy am I glad I got one. It truly cuts down on the BS and uninformed clients who contact me.

If you make it very detailed and keep it updated guys know exactly what to expect when then come see you.

I would say 75% of the clients I meet each month mention my website when coming to see me and tell me it was a motivating factor as for why they picked me.
Naomi4u's Avatar
A website is great to have. I too started with out one, but boy am I glad I got one. It truly cuts down on the BS and uninformed clients who contact me.

If you make it very detailed and keep it updated guys know exactly what to expect when then come see you.

I would say 75% of the clients I meet each month mention my website when coming to see me and tell me it was a motivating factor as for why they picked me.
Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Wakeup's Avatar
If you make it very detailed and keep it updated guys know exactly what to expect when then come see you. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I agree Brooke...a well done website with pictures lets your potential clients know exactly what to expect when...hey...wait a minute...


OP, I wouldn't place too much stock in the above poster's advice...
I apologize this off topic but Mr. Wakeup,
once someone gets on your shit list, is it impossible to get off? Or is Brook just an exception to your rule?

I agree Brooke...a well done website with pictures lets your potential clients know exactly what to expect when...hey...wait a minute...


OP, I wouldn't place too much stock in the above poster's advice... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Bs is definitely the main reason I started to consider a website Brooke..thanks for the advice!

I'm a bit challenged when it comes to the computer though lol but i've been hearing it's worth it!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
I apologize this off topic but Mr. Wakeup,
once someone gets on your shit list, is it impossible to get off? Or is Brook just an exception to your rule? Originally Posted by Miranda Ramon
Actually it's really easy to get off my shit list...just stop doing stupid things and you disappear off my radar pretty quick...I have the attention span of a moss covered rock after all. Keep doing stupid shit, like hoisting yourself up as the very model of a modern major hoooker when you've still got bait and switch pics on your own website, and you ping back a huge radar return and you're suddenly a target again...

Besides...you know you like me.
London Rayne's Avatar
Having a website has worked for me. It's just a place to have your own corner, be able to upload and edit when need be, add blogs, and say things you might not be able to say on the boards lol. Ok, well the last part may not be true but I do feel any provider claiming to be "Elite" and "High End" should very well at least have a website. I mean who makes over 400 an hour and can't pay for a website?
carkido45's Avatar
Actually it's really easy to get off my shit list...just stop doing stupid things and you disappear off my radar pretty quick...I have the attention span of a moss covered rock after all. Keep doing stupid shit, like hoisting yourself up as the very model of a modern major hoooker when you've still got bait and switch pics on your own website, and you ping back a huge radar return and you're suddenly a target again...

Besides...you know you like me. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wakeup's Avatar
Liar Originally Posted by carkido45
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Great real wakeup, you have never seen me. I have never used fake or edited pictures before or now. No need too. All you did was take my picture and change the shape of it so it would appear larger then it is. Tricks will do tricky things!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
like hoisting yourself up as the very model of a modern major hoooker Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Ahhhh, now you're getting it. That is exactly who I am. It's great to be me!