Be Cautious with Energy Worx and Fantasy Worx - Lina is not running discrete studios

Fellow Hobbyists -

I normally do not post, on boards though I love the world. I have been going to EnergyWorx for six months, and Kayleigh is great, and I was so exicted to see that Tiffany is back. But the last few times I have booked, they have been flakey and some odd activity seemed to be going on in the parking lot. I was also told once that they were closed, which we all know that was not true. They are not discrete, and the name on their door is the same as they advertise on BP etc. I have even found girls advertising on BP that gives the actual physical address...this makes me feel very uncomfortable.

After a the last couple of times we're a complete let down, I decided to try FantasyWorx (, since it it supposed to be so "private". It is in a nice residential neighborhood, but as soon as I saw kids walking down the street, and as a lawyer and do have a family it no longer felt private and discrete.

I love the hobbyist world, if anyone has any suggestions of other studios in Ft Worth that take the time to keep the discretion of their customers better than Lina - please let me know.

Coming from an individual with a law background, stay away. Something very fishy is up...
Umm. What was the alert again? What exactly is fishy? Have you ever been to a nice neighborhood that doesn't have children walking down the street? Are you afraid these kids are actually part of some secret jr. vice patrol? Do they intimidate you?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Seems like someone has an axe to grind.

Probably a competitor that is trying to sabatoge them but who knows
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks for the information.

You don't seem to write like someone who has a law background. Besides, what difference does that make?

MOST people wish for discretion while doing this sort of thing.

Your writing has a feminine vibe to it.

But what do I know?
cyrax's Avatar
  • cyrax
  • 03-16-2015, 03:00 PM
You have two posts consisting of saying 'No' to the girl you're alerting us with and that's fishy..
I don't normally post - I like to keep this part of my life as my secret, just wanting to warn other hobbyists out there.

Stay safe guys...
Umm. What was the alert again? What exactly is fishy? Have you ever been to a nice neighborhood that doesn't have children walking down the street? Are you afraid these kids are actually part of some secret jr. vice patrol? Do they intimidate you? Originally Posted by Ass Hunter
Simply put - it did not feel discrete or private.
Thanks for the information.

You don't seem to write like someone who has a law background. Besides, what difference does that make?

MOST people wish for discretion while doing this sort of thing.

Your writing has a feminine vibe to it.

But what do I know? Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Discretion is everything, I am a lawyer - no way am I putting myself in a possibly sabotaged situation. Not trying to stir anything up, just want to give all a heads up of what I witnessed.
Many providers use their private residence be it a house in a neighborhood, gated neighborhood, apartment, condo, etc. It's not uncommon when visiting these places that one may see kids, elderly, pets, husbands, boyfriends, icky pimps/OMARs, and things that would make their Incall inconspicuous as a house of ill repute and fornication.

Not an alert. Moved to coed for discussion of what makes a safe, private, invisible Incall and/or outcall for doing that voodoo that we do.

We all take chances in the Hobby. The key is to pull up those big girl panties, stay cautious, yet fearless as a Hobbyest.
Jules - Yep, I agree. totally.

This thread is actually comical. Coming from someone who just registered on March 5th, just to spite my studio..... Hmmmmmmmm.

{Pulling up my big girl panties here...}

I myself am the one who told ONE PERSON (via text message) that we were closed a couple of weeks ago. That one person that I texted that to was the SAME PERSON who was sending very VULGAR text messages that day, which was ridiculous and ---->I Don't Have Time For...

I have been on ECCIE since back in the ASPD days (of old, lol) and have been known to be a FAIR and HONEST person. I know most of our clients at Energy Worx personally and most I have know for over 10 years. My reviews and reputation speak for themselves, and if you want to start sh#t here kind sir, I am not going to get into a spitting match with you because that is not my style. Everyone knows that I am a "real" person...I don't hide behind Text Messages ....if you have a specific issue - Call the studio and address things with me personally. Don't be a chickensh#t here on the board...Register...and try to stir up stuff your 1st day here! WTH, lol?

If you have any "axes to grind" you may email/call me personally instead of making an ass of yourself here.

I will however address the issues in which you have mentioned in your questionable post here:

My studio Energy Worx is run tip top. I handle all announcements and scheduling myself (unlike other studios). Any closings or announcements you may find on our website:

ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME or EMAILS ME, knows that the The Red Table website is my PERSONAL Site (location) from which I operate from privately on my own. (See reviews - duh)

The name on the door...ha ha ha ....What Name?? If you had visited there before, you would know that the business is a sole proprietorship in which I run VERY DISCRETELY. I chose not to have a "listed" name on the door because that was my prerogative with the property owner -when I moved there.

The only "activity" going on the parking lot is that of the normal daily business. We have no neighbors to bother us, and all other "activity" that might go on after hours is monitored by the security service I have hired to keep my place safe- after hours/after we are closed.

If you have a bone to pick, I suggest you pick it elsewhere kind sir.

Have a great day everyone on Eccie!! I'm not letting one pile of shit stink up the entire yard!

Lita -----> Not "Lina"
PS> Thanks for the Free publicity too!
Tell 'em Lita!!

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
This thread screams agenda.....

Get a life OP.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-16-2015, 04:29 PM
Who the hell is "Lina"?
icansmile's Avatar
I would say that whomever is running the place is discrete enough that the OP does not even know their name. I have known this lady going on 15 years and have never had an issue. Of course a lot of the time she has me sucked out of my mind so what would I know.
Shep3.0's Avatar
When I was there....I felt perfectly fine.

Oh and I got screened for the first time in 2 years.