A little review post question and direction please.

MaximusXL's Avatar
Hey all,
Hope this finds everyone well. When posting a review for an independent provider you've seen recent do you just start a new review thread and its added to her profile or showcase buy her or moderators later or is there a specific way your supposed to post where it immediately links to her profile. Haven't done one before have it ready to go but don't want to post until sure. From what I read and think I understand when some things are posted on here you can't get it back, delete or edit it after an hour or 30 min can't remember and not even sure about that. Thanks for any direction sending me the right way.

MXL, look at bottom on the independent review section; all the way down of page 1. Left side bottom you will see New Review. CA
MaximusXL's Avatar
Thank man. Completely missed that.
skeeter's Avatar
Or upper left hand corner under the banner

If it's your first review , there is a sticky post in the review section that gives some guidelines that may be useful to you .
MaximusXL's Avatar
Yea Skeeter that's the one I poked and had the review already filled out and ready to post. I just didn't know if I was supposed to do it in the independent-p review thread or if it was supposed to be somehow done through there profile or attached to them later by mods or it was automatic once approved or something. I read the sticky post and followed the guidelines on the write up. Just a bit confused on the last part I was asking. After so long once it's posted can't take it back. Thanks for both yalls time. It's been posted a little while ago on Kimi Amore. Fuck I still have PTS from our get together this past Monday. Y'all take care as well as everyone else who stumbles across this Thread. Stay safe and stay balls deep in something..
Kimi can do that to you. She is fine.