You remember that voter fraud we talke about earlier?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was listening the other day to Kansas Attorney General Kobach and he was reporting that 30 states are cooperating about voting lists. They are looking for non-citizen voting, double voting, and dead people voting. He would not be definitive yet as everything has to be confirmed but one thing he did dangle (quit drooling WTF) was that in New Hampshire with it's same day registration, they have over 6,000 voters who registered with out of state IDs. So now they have to go through the paperwork about these 6,000 and any voting they did in their home state. Of course, 6,000 possible votes in New Hampshire and California won't cooperate. Just ball parking the population difference there could easily be 100,000 fraudulent votes in California. We should know in a few weeks.
bamscram's Avatar
Will that mean Trump didn't win the election?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That means that Trump may be right again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
May. MIght.

JDRunk never supports any of his ridiculous theories with any other than homegrown bullshit.

The only sure thing is that Trump is THE MOTHER OF ALL DICKS.

13% of illegal aliens vote...

Judge Andrew Napolitano says that “if you are an illegal alien in California, get a driver’s license, register to vote, you can vote in local, state, and federal elections in California and those votes count.”

Read more:

Outside California, Hillary Clinton lost the popular vote by 1.4 million to Donald Trump.

Deemocrats who are having trouble getting out of the first stage of grief — denial — aren't being helped by the fact that, now that all the votes are counted, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote has topped 2.8 million, giving her a 48% share of the vote compared with Trumps 46%.

To those unschooled in how the United States selects presidents, this seems totally unfair. But look more closely at the numbers and you see that Clinton's advantage all but disappears.

As we noted in this space earlier, while Clinton's overall margin looks large and impressive, it is due to Clinton's huge margin of victory in one state — California — where she got a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump.

California is the only state, in fact, where Clinton's margin of victory was bigger than President Obama's in 2012 — 61.5% vs. Obama's 60%.

But California is the exception that proves the true genius of the Electoral College — which was designed to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.

In recent years, California has been turning into what amounts to a one-party state. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of Californian's who registered as Democrats climbed by 1.1 million, while the number of registered Republicans dropped by almost 400,000.

What's more, many Republicans in the state had nobody to vote for in November.

There were two Democrats — and zero Republicans — running to replace Sen. Barbara Boxer. There were no Republicans on the ballot for House seats in nine of California's congressional districts.

At the state level, six districts had no Republicans running for the state senate, and 16 districts had no Republicans running for state assembly seats.

Plus, since Republicans knew Clinton was going to win the state — and its entire 55 electoral votes — casting a ballot for Trump was virtually meaningless, since no matter what her margin of victory, Clinton was getting all 55 votes.

Is it any wonder then, that Trump got 11% fewer California votes than John McCain did in 2008? (Clinton got 6% more votes than Obama did eight years ago, but the number of registered Democrats in the state climbed by 13% over those years.)

If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes. And if California voted like every other Democratic state — where Clinton averaged 53.5% wins — Clinton and Trump end up in a virtual popular vote tie. (This was not the case in 2012. Obama beat Romney by 2 million votes that year, not counting California.)

Meanwhile, if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election.


Number of states won:
Trump: 30
Clinton: 20
Trump: +10

Number of electoral votes won:
Trump: 306
Clinton: 232
Trump: + 68

Ave. margin of victory in winning states:
Trump: 56%
Clinton: 53.5%
Trump: + 2.5 points

Popular vote total:
Trump: 62,958,211
Clinton: 65,818,318
Clinton: + 2.8 million

Popular vote total outside California:
Trump: 58,474,401
Clinton: 57,064,530
Trump: + 1.4 million
And this major statistic too - counties won: Trump 2,654, Hillary 487 ..... and in Congress, Republicans have a 52-48 seat majority in the Senate and a 241-194 seat majority in the House of Representatives .....
LexusLover's Avatar
And this major statistic too - counties won: Trump 2,654, Hillary 487 ..... and in Congress, Republicans have a 52-48 seat majority in the Senate and a 241-194 seat majority in the House of Representatives ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The Liberals don't like "elections" ... it shows.
bamscram's Avatar
13% of illegal aliens vote...

Judge Andrew Napolitano says that “if you are an illegal alien in California, get a driver’s license, register to vote, you can vote in local, state, and federal elections in California and those votes count.”

Read more:

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
As far as Presidential Elections go, California and New York have made themselves irrelavent. Why waste time, money, and resources even campaigning in those two liberal enclaves.

Concentrate on the the remaining 48 States.

It's the same wat with Congress. Who gives a shit what California and New York want.

Keep in mind, most of those votes that gave Hillary the popular vote win were concentrated in those two States.

The rest of the Country sees it different.

Let them stew in their Liberal/Socialist/ProgressiveDemocrat caldron. The rest of the Country will move forward
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-15-2017, 05:54 PM
The Liberals don't like "elections" ... it shows. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not lately but they loved them in 2006, 2008 and kinda in 2012.

You do understand wtf a political pendulum is don't you...maybe not.

"Progressives" don't like legal elections.

I'va still doesn't know how to post a link.

What happened to illegal Michigan/Detroit?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-15-2017, 06:51 PM
"Progressives" don't like legal elections.

I'va still doesn't know how to post a link.

What happened to illegal Michigan/Detroit? Originally Posted by gnadfly
So the 2016 election was not legal?

Detroit had some precincts with more legal voters that votes. Some Detroit precincts had less voters than legal votes. Therefore although Michigan's election was certified they did not have a complete recount.

Try to keep up WTF rather than posting smilicons. It makes you look more like a moronic buffoon.
The Liberals don't like "elections" ... it shows. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They don't like elections that they can't steal ! And think of all that time they wasted registering the illegals and all of those midnight trips to the cemeteries for " voter registration drives " .
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-16-2017, 07:36 AM
They don't like elections that they can't steal ! And think of all that time they wasted registering the illegals and all of those midnight trips to the cemeteries for " voter registration drives " . Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
And the nomo's like you like to make it harder for the old and nlack folks to it all evens out , right Gay Rey?