Democrats Loose Big In Georgia.......

First, they get a kid who didn't even live in the District in an attempt to appeal to the younger crowd. They pour 8 million dollars into the effort, bring in Hollywood Celebrities, define the race as a repudiation against President Trump.

All of the major news organizations got on board. CNN even had an "all night" analysis crew working into the hours of the night, hoping, praying, that "their Candidate" won get that magic 50%

They knew they needed to win outright with 50% of the vote. The entire effort was put toward that goal.

They failed. In a District that President Trump only won by 1 percentage point.

Now, they will have to face a well liked Republican Candidate, a woman, Karen Handell, who, by the way, actually lives in the 6th Congressional District.

The question that sunk the Dems was when their Candidate was asked a simple question......."who are you voting for"?

When you go all in, and your "two deuce bluff" gets answered with three of a kind, you loose. You leave the table.

President Trump wins. There is no other way to spin it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-19-2017, 09:29 AM

They failed. In a District that President Trump only won by 1 percentage point.

President Trump wins. There is no other way to spin it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh yes there is....You and others are fools if you do not see this as a repeat of 2010.

The Dems went all in. They HAD to win outright. They knew going in that there was no tomorrow.

Now they have to go back to their contributors and say, "anti up again".

Sure. Just toss 8 million more in there, in a loosing cause.

Stupid is, as stupid does.
  • jma9
  • 04-19-2017, 10:19 AM
They spent 8 mil for that shitlibs campaign; a district they haven't spent a dime in since the 70s. Dems are desperate for a win lol.
As it stands so far Rep. 1 Dems. 0
bamscram's Avatar
As it stands so far Rep. 1 Dems. 0 Originally Posted by gary5912
Rep -2 Dems - 0 they won in Kansas also. Mike Pompeo's spot.
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2017, 11:01 AM
Oh yes there is....You and others are fools if you do not see this as a repeat of 2010. Originally Posted by WTF
Now see here....never mind. I hope a couple of liberals on the court die soon while we still have a chance to save this country.

Screw it, we are fucked anyway. Keep printing money so I don't have to pay more taxes for a bunch of [prohibited word]s on welfare.
BigLouie's Avatar
The district lines were drawn by the state republicans so it would always be conservative. That he was able to get 48.9 percent of the vote should not have been possible. This was a huge loss for the Republicans and they know it
  • DSK
  • 04-19-2017, 11:18 AM
The district lines were drawn by the state republicans so it would always be conservative. That he was able to get 48.9 percent of the vote should not have been possible. This was a huge loss for the Republicans and they know it Originally Posted by BigLouie
Might actually be a big wakeup call!

P.S. I'm not taking about the prick on this site who goes by the handle of Wakeup. Don't be daft!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-19-2017, 12:14 PM
Might actually be a big wakeup call!
Originally Posted by DSK
It better be or the GOP will get their clocks plowed in 2018....despite all this nonsense posted. It will be 2010 all over again , except this time the GOP will take it on the chin
It better be or the GOP will get their clocks plowed in 2018....despite all this nonsense posted. It will be 2010 all over again , except this time the GOP will take it on the chin Originally Posted by WTF
Is that where YOU like to " take it " wtf ? On the chin !!!?
Rep -2 Dems - 0 they won in Kansas also. Mike Pompeo's spot. Originally Posted by bamscram
Wrong retarded lenny there will be a run off in Georgia so its rep 1 dems 0 get your facts right retarded lenny
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-19-2017, 12:42 PM
Is that where YOU like to " take it " wtf ? On the chin !!!? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yes Goober, that is where I like to take it....thank you for your outstanding contribution to this thread!

Wtf would the forum do without your insight!

Yes Goober, that is where I like to take it....thank you for your outstanding contribution to this thread!

Wtf would the forum do without your insight!

. Originally Posted by WTF
Thanks for finally admitting it wtf ! That's the first step in addressing an issue . Card carrying member of the reach around crew. At least ONE of you has admitted to membership in the group. Mebbe YOU can get assup, Lube and the rest of the members to " come out " also !
bamscram's Avatar
Wrong retarded lenny there will be a run off in Georgia so its rep 1 dems 0 get your facts right retarded lenny Originally Posted by gary5912
Then the dems haven't won Georgia yet retarded lenny? More fake news from the lemmings? You were the one bleating retarded lenny.