Bin Laden Dead Part II, the photos

KosherCowboy's Avatar
Should the photos be released? I think we can agree from both sides of the aisle that Obama deserves a tray of freshly baked warm chocolate chip cookies and an ice cold glass of milk for doing what any President would have anyway but what about the decision to not release the photos? Many of the victims families and members of Congress want them released. Many Americans want them released.

It has been determined to release them would be to perhaps aggrevate the ' enemies' and perhaps give insight as to how the attack went by the wounds. Now that part is a joke. Take a journey to the ER, anyone can see what a gunshot wound looks like, big deal. Now perhaps there is a point to not angering the enemy, or is there?

These fuckers hate us already, they danced in the streets on 9/11. Just like the college youth of America celebrated when the news broke ( they were just 8-10 years old at the time), the youth in the roach infested part of the world have also grown up to hate us. Pictures will change this? They already want revenge, they already want us dead, our flag is already burned, pictures of Obama with the devil horns are carried through the street. And releasing a photo will make this worse? Not, just as not releasing it won't ease or erase hate.

I respect Obama's decision to make a call based on experts in his circle but I think it is the wrong decision. Show the pictures, show the video of the at sea funeral to show the animals in the middle east that at least we buried him in dignity unlike the Americans blown to pieces by him and his cronies.

Should they be released to the public? Congress/Supreme Court Judges? The victims? None of the above?
pmdelites's Avatar
no matter whether they are publicly or privately released, there will be lots of folks who will say they are faked, are gruesome, are provocative, are publicity seeking, you name it.

i think that the us govt should show the photos to selected foreign govts, including saudi arabit, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, etc. and if some al-qaeda folks want to see them, invite them too.

but, the key would be to just show them to folks, not distribute them electronically. the former would insure it wouldnt get out on the internet [unless the person has a small camera in their clothes or glasses or turban].
Good Poll Kosher.

The Obama administration made a mistake by dumping the body into the ocean before some type of independent verification. Its just not the US who wants to see confirmation, its the rest of the world. Our credibility isn't what it has been and this doesn't raise it.

I'm not buying any of the 'aggravate our enemy' and 'endanger the troops' assertion on this one. We killed bin Laden, their leader. Showing them a pic would only cause further al Qaeda demoralization.

Didn't Obama promise 'transparency?' This would have been a great time to deliver. But as I've written in other threads expect the photo to be leaked around Oct 30, 2012.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I'm not buying any of the 'aggravate our enemy' and 'endanger the troops' assertion on this one. . Originally Posted by gnadfly
No, it is a bunch of bullshit, I agree. It is just another failure of us Americans as a whole to step up against the Arab world and put the foot down and say ' enough !! We shall no longer be intimidated and scared of you.'

The same darn thing with the ground zero Mosque on a much different scale. So scared of the enemy that he caves in to fear and doesn't stand up.

Both Bush and Obama have done a great job preventing more attacks on a 9/11 scale, although we need to be careful their capabilities are still limited...What are they going to do different if we show the pictures? Hate us more? If they had the capability to strike they would have done so whether we killed Osama or not. They hate us. They loathe us. They want us to die.

A picture won't change that. The war on terror is not over but we need to stop living in fear of a few burlap sacks full of camel shit tossed at us..
FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 05-05-2011, 12:46 PM
We complain, and rightly so, when pics of our dead are shown. We feel it violates the privacy of the dead to have the body shown. If we want a leg to stand on when this happens in the future, we can not show a pic of UBL
  • Booth
  • 05-05-2011, 01:56 PM
Would the release of the pics really change or prove anything? There is plenty of photo evidence that man landed on the moon but there are still people who don't believe it. If you're inclined to believe that OBL wasn't killed Sunday, why would photos released by the US government change anyone's mind?
PornPet69's Avatar
Would the release of the pics really change or prove anything? There is plenty of photo evidence that man landed on the moon but there are still people who don't believe it. If you're inclined to believe that OBL wasn't killed Sunday, why would photos released by the US government change anyone's mind? Originally Posted by Booth
Because it is more proof than just here say. I like to see the pics, show them to the world. What's the point of taking a pic? So you can look at them.
  • Booth
  • 05-05-2011, 04:10 PM
Because it is more proof than just here say. I like to see the pics, show them to the world. What's the point of taking a pic? So you can look at them. Originally Posted by PornPet69
But if you don't believe what the administration is telling you, why are you going to believe a picture they show you over the internet? It makes no sense.
sixxbach's Avatar
But if you don't believe what the administration is telling you, why are you going to believe a picture they show you over the internet? It makes no sense. Originally Posted by Booth
What in the hell is going on? This is the second time in two days we agree on something!!!???

PornPet69's Avatar
But if you don't believe what the administration is telling you, why are you going to believe a picture they show you over the internet? It makes no sense. Originally Posted by Booth
Because it helps with the decision making process. It is like checking out a provider, would you see the provider with or without the pics in her showcase. The pics might be fake but that is for you to decide. It would help me in deciding if hey this did happen or not. It is not the only aspect I look at, I try to get information from all sources.
  • Booth
  • 05-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Because it helps with the decision making process. It is like checking out a provider, would you see the provider with or without the pics in her showcase. The pics might be fake but that is for you to decide. It would help me in deciding if hey this did happen or not. It is not the only aspect I look at, I try to get information from all sources. Originally Posted by PornPet69
Not just no but HELL NO! You don't get to decide if OBL is dead and whether or not to release photos of his corpse is NOTHING like checking out a provider.

This is exactly why Obama shouldn't have released the birth certificate. You give 'em an inch and they ask for a mile.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As I recall there was this kind of furor over a blowjob but nothing but Attaboys when we invaded Iraq.
I'm with our President on this one. CHIT I'm no "expert" but Im betting I could produce a photo or video of just about anything. However I don't think Id be willing to watch another Daniel Pearl YouTube video. If i had bin Laden in my sights I would have blown him away, proved it to my boss and then STFU. I dont see where this is a matter of public scrutiny, opinion or decision. But you know...
But if you don't believe what the administration is telling you, why are you going to believe a picture they show you over the internet? It makes no sense. Originally Posted by Booth

I agree! I see no reason to release the actual photos. If individuals are inclined to believe that OBL's death is a hoax, they are going to believe that even if the pictures have been released to the general public! I choose to believe otherwise! Quite frankly, the release of pictures is a no-win situation for the President. He is damned if he does and damned if he does not. That being the case, he should do whatever he wants to do! F*^k the naysayers!

As far as I am concerned, the perpetrator of 9/11 has finally recieved what he so richly deserved. OBL is now "sleepin' with th' fishes!"

And now a special memo to the 'fishes':

Get your knife, fork and spoon out and enjoy your newfound bounty! CHOMP, CHOMP!!!!!
PornPet69's Avatar
Not just no but HELL NO! You don't get to decide if OBL is dead and whether or not to release photos of his corpse is NOTHING like checking out a provider.

This is exactly why Obama shouldn't have released the birth certificate. You give 'em an inch and they ask for a mile. Originally Posted by Booth
Haha ok Booth, bad analogy to compare. Let say your best friend went fishing last weekend and he caught a 200 lbs catfish. Took a picture of it then he had a big ol fish fry and ate it. He came back and told you about it but he left his photo at the house. For me the picture would help out a lot with believing him. You don't need the pic because you take his word for it. I'm not trying to rain on anybody's parade here, I'm American as they come. I served my time in the military and loved it. But for me I just need more, it has been only five days. Information is still leaking out, maybe in two weeks I'll make my decision. I just like to take it all in before I celebrate.
Not just no but HELL NO! You don't get to decide if OBL is dead and whether or not to release photos of his corpse is NOTHING like checking out a provider.

This is exactly why Obama shouldn't have released the birth certificate. You give 'em an inch and they ask for a mile. Originally Posted by Booth
Sure it is. You are looking for 'PROOF.'

What does the birth certificate have to do with this? There are billions of people over the planet who don't believe what the USA says who would like to see a death photo. They never heard of this birth cert issue. Although providing a pic won't convince everyone, it would convince many.

BHO needs to deliver on transparency.