I feel like I need to change my image...

The_Leopard's Avatar
...and leave my intellect behind me for now on.

I been called a faggot numerous times because people claim I sound "white" whatever that means. I am a fun person, but no one wants to see me like that. Instead, they want me to be a TuPac so that they can look up to me.

They want me running around with tattoos on me and look like TuPac or the basketball players you see now that came after Michael Jordan.

I have not gained respect from the peers in community college because they refer to me as an "gay black male" because I don't use ebonics.

I am also starting to feel that's the only way I could succeed in life, is to act like a thug and then what happens,

I get respect from my male peers.
I would end up being a intimidating person.
I probably end up with girls who are either from the poor areas or some young girls who want me to be a rapper.
I probably end up behind bars.

I don't get it. Am I cursed to live my fathers destiny and join the military? Do I need to buy baggy clothing and wear gangster stuff just to fit in with the crowd (in other words, be the true black person I am?)

What is wrong with the way I dress? What's the matter with me?

Is it my family's background?
Is it because I am a artist and not a musician, football player, business man?

Can someone help me out here?

Edit: I am trying to hang out with this circle who are video gamers. Me being in my early 30's, I want to still feel young and keep doing what I am doing. I don't want to be another 30 something that has a boring life and just have nothing fun to do with my life.
  • E2
  • 05-17-2011, 09:05 AM
Don't go changin' your spots !!! Be who you are ! All else will be transparent and ultimately fail.

As ATXIB says "Love your haterz, they make you famous !"

ps - We love you for who you are!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Be who you want to be and fuck being what others want you to be....
Banned 35 times's Avatar
Ebonics sucks! It sickens me when black folks simultaneously revel in, and whine about, their negative stereotypes. As long as black folks can speak coherently, wear clothes that fit, dont steal, rape, kill, start fights, or be a public nuisance, then no one has a problem.

The best way to fight a negative stereotype is to not live up to it. Keep doing what you're doing, Leopard. Hopefully your homiez will change they tune.
PornPet69's Avatar
Looks like you have a lot of questions that only you can answer. Being 30, you should know who you are by now. Now you need to know where your going, do some deep soul searching. Changing your image won't do anything but living into the stereo type that you describe. Find something that makes you happy and listen to your heart not your peers. You only live once in the game of life.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Amigo, if you can't figure out who you are by now, you damned sure aren't going to discover your life's path here on ECCIE discussing it with a bunch of fantasy characters.

Unless, of course, your life's path is one of hookery...
Mel Gibson's Avatar
Yssup Rider, according to you, you're one of the people convincing Leopard to follow negative stereotypes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mel Gibson's Avatar
I don't suppose you've ever been in town for the Texas Relays?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Self edit
The_Leopard's Avatar
Yssup Rider, according to you, you're one of the people convincing Leopard to follow negative stereotypes.
Originally Posted by Mel Gibson
That picture you have shown has pretty much sums up what younger gens like. They like Tupac as a role model and would vote for Obama. But, they want Obama to be black and not some nerd. I really think that all of this is because they are too young and stupid to realize that not all blacks are like that.

My father served in Vietnam. Instead of teaching me in a liberal sense, he taught me more in a conservative manner (same went for my sister). Only to live by my own code. He wanted me to be a intelligent man. But, I go to college to run into these kiddos who want to see me as Tupac or Obama the Sama as ghetto to the max.

I don't understand why they would enjoy that.
Mel Gibson's Avatar
You are damn right, Leopard. Its a good thing you had your father as a role model rather than mentors like Yssup Rider and whatever flavor of the month crapper on MTV.

2pac does indeed suck dick. I saw a video of him with Humpty Hump back in the day called "I Get Around" but 2pac just ruined it. I don't care too much for crappers, but Humpty Hump and his BBFS dance are timeless. Michael Steele is pretty cool too! He wouldve been a much better president than Obama.

This thread has taken on heavy racial overtones that are not allowed nor welcome here.

I am closing this one before it goes around the bend.
