Common Sense from AG William Barr

lustylad's Avatar
Of course, we all know the dim-retards have no common sense. They go federal judge-shopping at the drop of a hat. They are the big abuser of our judiciary. They have already obtained nearly 40 nation-wide injunctions against Trump administration policies in less than 3 years.

The dim-retards have zero morals and zero principles. They will gladly fuck up our judicial system without hesitation or concern about how it might boomerang against them some day. To them, the end always justifies the means. And the end is to keep trump from achieving anything that might look like a "win". They will burn down the neighborhood in the name of "saving" it.

End Nationwide Injunctions

The Dreamers case shows how willful courts can ruin the chance for political compromise.

By William P. Barr
Sept. 5, 2019 6:37 pm ET

When a federal court issues an order against enforcement of a government policy, the ruling traditionally applies only to the plaintiff in that case. Over the past several decades, however, some lower court federal judges have increasingly resorted to a procedural device—the “nationwide injunction”—to prevent the government from enforcing a policy against anyone in the country. Shrewd lawyers have learned to “shop” for a sympathetic judge willing to issue such an injunction. These days, virtually every significant congressional or presidential initiative is enjoined—often within hours—threatening our democratic system and undermining the rule of law.

During the eight years of the Obama administration, 20 nationwide injunctions were issued while the Trump administration has already faced nearly 40. Partisans who cheer this trend should realize that someday the shoe will be on the other foot. One can easily imagine the signature policies of a future Democratic administration—say, on climate change, immigration or health care—being stymied by courts for years on end.

The best example of the harm done by these nationwide injunctions is the current litigation over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. In 2012, after Congress repeatedly failed to grant legal status to so-called Dreamers, the Obama administration declined to enforce the immigration laws against them. Five years later, the Trump administration announced it would restore enforcement of federal law, prompting Democrats to negotiate in search of a broad solution. Just as a compromise appeared near, a district court judge in San Francisco entered a nationwide injunction prohibiting the Trump administration from ending DACA, thus awarding the Democrats by judicial fiat what they had been seeking through a political compromise.

Far from solving the problem, the DACA injunction proved catastrophic. The program’s recipients remain in legal limbo after nearly two years of bitter political division over immigration, including a government shutdown. A humanitarian crisis—including a surge of unaccompanied children—swells at the southern border, while legislative efforts remain frozen pending Supreme Court resolution of the DACA case.

Under Article III of the Constitution, courts are supposed to apply the law to the parties before them—not to thousands or millions of third parties. The Framers rejected the idea that the courts should act as a “council of revision” with sweeping authority to reach beyond concrete controversies and rule on the legality of actions taken by the political branches. Moreover, the power of federal courts to issue injunctions derives from English practice, which allowed courts to restrain a defendant to the extent necessary to protect the rights of the plaintiffs in the case. Nationwide injunctions are a modern invention with no basis in the Constitution or common law.

Nationwide injunctions are also inconsistent with the mechanism the law recognizes to provide relief to nonparties: a class action, in which class members are bound by the result, win or lose, unless they opt out. Nationwide injunctions, by contrast, create an unfair, one-way system in which the democratically accountable government must fend off case after case to put its policy into effect, while those challenging the policy need only find a single sympathetic judge.

Proponents of nationwide injunctions argue that they are necessary to ensure that the law is uniform throughout the country. But the federal judiciary wasn’t made to produce instant legal uniformity. To the contrary, the system—in which local district courts are supervised by regional courts of appeal—was constructed to allow a diversity of initial rulings until a single, national rule could be decided by the Supreme Court.

This system has many virtues. It prevents a solitary, unelected, life-tenured judge from overriding the political branches and imposing on the nation potentially idiosyncratic or mistaken views of the law. A Supreme Court justice must convince at least four colleagues to bind the federal government nationwide, whereas a district court judge issuing a nationwide injunction needn’t convince anyone.

When the system works as it should, it encourages what one leading jurist has called “percolation”—the salutary process by which many lower federal courts offer competing and increasingly refined views on a legal issue before higher courts definitively resolve it. Allowing a single district court judge to issue a nationwide injunction against the government short-circuits this process. The first judge to issue an injunction effectively nullifies the decisions of all other courts that have already been issued—not only other courts’ decisions, but even those of higher appellate courts in other circuits.

For example, even though the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia—often called the second-highest court in the land—vacated an injunction against the Trump administration’s policy on transgender military service, that decision had no practical effect. Two district judges had enjoined the policy nationwide. The Supreme Court’s intervention was necessary to fix this backward state of affairs.

By short-circuiting the process of percolation, nationwide injunctions cause critical policies to be litigated through a truncated, emergency process. When an important statute or policy is enjoined, the Justice Department must seek emergency relief from higher courts. The alternative is for the government to wait years for an appeals court to overturn the injunction before implementing a statute or policy. As a result, nationwide injunctions threaten to turn every case into an emergency for the executive and judicial branches.

Nationwide injunctions “are legally and historically dubious,” noted Justice Clarence Thomas, concurring in Trump v. Hawaii (2018). “If federal courts continue to issue them, this Court is dutybound to adjudicate their authority to do so.” It is indeed well past time for our judiciary to re-examine a practice that embitters the political life of the nation, flouts constitutional principles, and stultifies sound judicial administration, all at the cost of public confidence in our institutions.

Mr. Barr is U.S. attorney general
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2019, 06:35 AM
LL- thanks for a good read. Common sense exists not in the DPST ranks - they will do anything to "wini" regardless of the damage to the representative democracy.

Hence the fury over Trumps judicial appointments.

They see the courts as a method of legislating their agenda.

Time to remove the nationwide injunction from all but the SC.

DPST's will respond with nazi and other name-calling.

And no cogent responses.

Typical for those with only a narrative and no independent thought.
Excellent points raised here about the DPST assault on Democracy - while they accuse the other side of doing the same thing.
themystic's Avatar
LL- thanks for a good read. Common sense exists not in the DPST ranks - they will do anything to "wini" regardless of the damage to the representative democracy.

Hence the fury over Trumps judicial appointments.

They see the courts as a method of legislating their agenda.

Time to remove the nationwide injunction from all but the SC.

DPST's will respond with nazi and other name-calling.

And no cogent responses.

Typical for those with only a narrative and no independent thought. Originally Posted by oeb11
Look oebgyn11 and Lusty, you two trolls try to paint the liberals with one big brush, socialists, everything's free etc. That's total bullshit and you two know it. Trump supporters however are to a man, Nazi loving Anti American racists
lustylad's Avatar
Trump supporters however are to a man, Nazi loving Anti American racists Originally Posted by themystic
"To a man"? Don't leave out the women!

Among white female voters, Trump beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points in 2016. Not bad for a pussy grabber! And unlike you, those gals are 100% red-blooded Americans who love God, country and the US Constitution.
when the country is so divided the first casualty is "common" sense

there's sadly little in common between those who love America and the left

the left's sense is influenced by selfishness, covetousness, globalism, limited self reliance, disregard and distain for America and its borders and its founding and its organizing documents, a regard that America has not been a force for good in this world, truth is not a leftist value, and however convoluted and perplexing the thinking, an alignment with and an assisting of nations such as china and its policies while opposing helping America and the defense department, witness companies like google, and little in the way of personal charity and self sacrifice, i'm sure there's more

yes there's little in common
Look oebgyn11 and Lusty, you two trolls try to paint the liberals with one big brush, socialists, everything's free etc. That's total bullshit and you two know it. Trump supporters however are to a man, Nazi loving Anti American racists Originally Posted by themystic

Awww, someone's in a tizzy this morning with utter bullshit.

It's hilarious watching the idea of the "Big Tent" democrats disintegrate and all move radically left, while the Repubilcans actually open up their tent to the moderates.

Trump is more middle accepting and appealing than any of the current crop of lefty candidates regardless of the failed attempts to portray him as a Nazi.
themystic's Avatar
"To a man"? Don't leave out the women!

Among white female voters, Trump beat hildebeest by 10 percentage points in 2016. Not bad for a pussy grabber! And unlike you, those gals are 100% red-blooded Americans who love God, country and the US Constitution. Originally Posted by lustylad
After 3 years of Trump add, " love sucking liberals cocks"
lustylad's Avatar
LL- thanks for a good read. Originally Posted by oeb11
Excellent points raised here... Originally Posted by friendly fred
We are very fortunate to have a REAL ATTORNEY GENERAL at the helm for the first time in decades!

The dipshit liberals are desperately trying to smear him as a "political hack" - because they know he is the precise opposite!

Bill Barr simply isn't cut from the same cloth as those contemptible hacks Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch!
lustylad's Avatar
After 3 years of Trump add, " love sucking liberals cocks" Originally Posted by themystic
In your dreams, Moscow Mystic. You're such a scaredy cat. Everyone knows those conservative gals make your little pee pee shrivel up. Sorry, they only perform fellatio on real men.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Name calling and false narratives are all the DPSHTs have.

You said it yourself oebgyn11.
themystic's Avatar
In your dreams, Moscow Mystic. You're such a scaredy cat. Everyone knows those conservative gals make your little pee pee shrivel up. Sorry, they only perform fellatio on real men.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Right lusty. Wasn't Moscow Ellen the token Trump girl in this forum? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd Thoughts LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lustylad's Avatar
Right lusty. Wasn't Moscow Ellen the token Trump girl in this forum? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
She was a Trump girl and nobody's token. And she made your little pee pee shrivel up every time she posted here. Ditto for assup.

Don't wear out the exclamation key. Just thinking of Austin Ellen makes you melt down. Sad!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Right lusty. Wasn't Moscow Ellen the token Trump girl in this forum? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd Thoughts LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by themystic
And she never looked like that.

Not even 30 years ago, when she didn’t have to lie about her age!

Not even 5 years ago when LL became her WK. (we know he doesn’t fuck anybody anyway...)

rexdutchman's Avatar
Common sense , died long ago