Best Recession Ever!

For almost a year, CNBC and other outlets have been warning of the upcoming recession. They don't couch the term recession as a brief pullback from the record recovery of President Trump's first year. They use the phrase recession with a "big R" and ominous signs of big downturns in the market and employment. The media has been going on about this like the Russian Collusion Delusion - with little evidence and a lot of quoting the same few sources.

And the next day, on CNBC, it's hunky dory. It's like the last few days we've been screaming "RECESSION" never happened. The govt numbers and companies' earning reports come out very good, if not great.

And the Dim debate never addresses it. It's like the elephant in the room the Dims want to ignore.

bambino's Avatar
Just imagine if Carter had a recession this bad. He would have been re-elected.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Proof that that Dims can't get past a 58 second video clip.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Don't be bogarting that recession. Fire some up, pass it around and r-o-o-o-l-l-l-l another one, just like the other one....
rexdutchman's Avatar