Bullosey has just proven the impeachment circus has closed up shop...walks out on reporters during question about it. Mr. Gaffe you and your avatar can expode NOW!!

I hate to burst the bubble of all the impeachment dreaming leftwinger on here.
The bitch says to the reporter...talk to the Senate Leader about saving lives...WTF!!

Pelosi Walks Out On Reporters After More Impeachment Questions

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi walked out on reporters Thursday after being asked about a formal impeachment inquiry, also saying that she won’t answer any more questions on the topic.
The weekly press conference ended when Pelosi walked away after telling the press to focus on other topics, such as the Democratic House proposal, which has been dismissed by Republicans in the House, to expand background checks for buying guns, the Washington Examiner reported.
Pelosi said reporters seem “hung up” on the word impeachment after being asked again about formal impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.
“I’m not answering any more questions on possible inquiries, investigations and the rest,” Pelosi said Thursday. “I’ve said what I’m going to say. I’m proud of our members who have gone out there and expressed themselves for what they believe in on the basis of what they know.”

A reporter later asked if Pelosi is uncomfortable with the term “impeachment inquiry.”
“Why don’t we spend some time going over to see Mitch McConnell and asking him why he doesn’t want to save lives?” Pelosi asked. “Why is it that you are hung up with a word over here when lives are at stake over there?”
Pelosi has been against launching an impeachment inquiry and has said it would be “divisive.” She resisted a formal House vote allowing the launch of an official impeachment inquiry, but House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler suggested an official probe is underway.
“We have been involved since June or July in an investigation looking toward the possibility of voting on articles of impeachment,” Nadler told reporters Monday. “You can call it an impeachment inquiry. You can call it an investigation. It’s the same thing.”
The committee continued the impeachment narrative Thursday after a vote set parameters for a possible impeachment inquiry. The vote didn’t mention Trump by name, but many view it as further effort by Democrats to impeach Trump.
The vote passed 24-17 with all Democrats voting for it. All Republicans voted against the resolution.
Despite Thursday’s inch toward an impeachment inquiry, Pelosi suggested Thursday that the only people into this topic are reporters.
“There is nothing different from one day to the next. We are still on the same path,” Pelosi told reporters. “You are the only ones who are so into this.”
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Thank you for your unabated but masturbated complete nonsense QUACKAMOLE!!
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Yeah, Judge Jeanine does a great pouty face Pelosi impression as Pelosi gets her ass kicked by her own party radicals.

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