Handling The SO/BF Question

shorty's Avatar
I know its not really anyone's business if you ladies do have a SO/BF but this question has always intrigued me. So ladies, how do you handle the question of having a SO/BF when a client asks? Is it better to admit it or deny having one?
Still Looking's Avatar
Shorty, I always asuume if the lady is HOT she has someone in her life! Its none of my business, so I would never ask. I just need to know there not in the room! LOL
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Last time someone asked me where my so/hubby was my brain to mouth filter wasnt working and before I could stop myself I said "with your wife"..Glad he had a sense of humor about it
shorty's Avatar
Shorty, I always asuume if the lady is HOT she has someone in her life! Its none of my business, so I would never ask. I just need to know there not in the room! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Its better to know than to find out like, Oh Shit My SO/Hubby Just Got Home And He Doesn't Know I'm Doing This!
I don't at the moment but hypothetically if I did - I would say no. Just for the fact that it might "ruin" the fantasy.
Although, a few of my hobby friends know me in my real life and would probably figure it out if I ever did. Highly unlikely that I would date anyone while participating in this hobby, though.
I have had at least fifty percent of the providers I have seen over the years aske me if I am married. So what is the difference if they are asked. I have had several volunteer that they had hubby/bf/so and I did not find it to be a problem. What is the issue?
I don't ask men about their marital status unless they offer that info willingly. And I would prefer to focus on the person who is in the room with me rather than talk about certain aspects of my private life. I wouldn't say anything wrong with asking but I wouldn't be answering them.
  • 10-4
  • 01-15-2012, 01:14 AM
I don't have either one, 10-4. if that SO.B is brave enough to be in the room he can tell me what she likes best and he remains in that closet. A big 10-4 good buddy.
shorty's Avatar
I know its a private issue but wouldn't coming out that you had a SO/BF be more practicial than saying Nothing or NO? Unfortunately there's a lot of guys that does buy into the illusion of the lady is available. So ladies how do you handle someone thats bought into the illusion of you being available?
  • MrGiz
  • 01-15-2012, 04:48 AM
What difference does it make? *They are available... an hour at a time!
I never ask, my guess is that most provider have a BF/SO in their life. I just like to make sure there are no size 12 cowboy boots in the closet when I'm in the room(has happened). My point is I don't care what the the providers personal status is I just don't want the guy lerking around or see any signs that he even exsist.
If a guy is so far down into that fantasy that I have to pretend to be single when I am not....well, he is not long on my list. It is a slippery slope that can end in arguments and violence. Enjoy your fantasy, keep a grip on reality.
If a guy is so far down into that fantasy that I have to pretend to be single when I am not....well, he is not long on my list. It is a slippery slope that can end in arguments and violence. Enjoy your fantasy, keep a grip on reality. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Well said!
Freaking awesome
What difference does it make? *They are available... an hour at a time! Originally Posted by MrGiz
I get asked all the time if I have a boyfriend, but it's not really a big deal because I'm single. When I did have a boyfriend early last year it was irritating to get asked about my personal life.

I usually just assume most of my clients are married. Sometimes I ask, sometimes I don't. It doesn't matter to me as long as I'm getting paid.