Settling Business

shorty's Avatar
Guys how do you settle business if your wanting to extended your stay or wanting Greek knowing its extra without it being a mood killer?

Ladies how do you handle a guys request in session to extend the stay or wanting something that you charge extra for without it being a mood killer? Some guys don't bring there wallets to a session and only bring said inital amount. Yet they tell you they've got it in there wallet in the car. So ladies what do you do about the wallet in the car?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Like you said, I'm one of those guys who only brings the normal donation rate. I don't believe in making spur of the moment decisions b/c if it gets to that point, the little head is doing the thinking and not the big head. Prior to the appointment, I always confer with the provider on our expected activities and expected length of time and the expected donation for the date. I will never try to go beyond what we agreed to. I'm very considerate when it comes to the length of time we've spent together. If the gal wants me to stay longer, I will but I make it clear that it is her decision and I don't have any more $$$ to compensate her.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Guys how do you settle business if your wanting to extended your stay or wanting Greek knowing its extra without it being a mood killer?

Ladies how do you handle a guys request in session to extend the stay or wanting something that you charge extra for without it being a mood killer? Some guys don't bring there wallets to a session and only bring said inital amount. Yet they tell you they've got it in there wallet in the car. So ladies what do you do about the wallet in the car? Originally Posted by shorty
I always encourage the guys to bring more in case they want to extend. Most that have asked to extend, do. If a regular told me he left his wallet in the car and he would bring it later then there's a good chance that I trust him and would be fine with it. If it's a new friend, I'd smile and say "I'll be right here waiting for ya."
  • anita
  • 03-14-2012, 01:04 AM
My hourly+ are all inclusive. I do not charge extra. If I am meeting more than one partner, they will know their rate before we meet.

My rates are on my profiles, both on p411 and here. Therefore he already know what to add to extend the visit. No real need to talk about money during our time together. He can just let me know he wants to stay one ,one hour and a half or two more hours.

If he is a regular, I will let him go get the extra from his car. If it is our first time meeting, I might want to go to his car with him. But, I like to give a guy the benefit of the doubt. I will not just treat him as if he can't afford it and deny him extended stay.
I'd likely give them the benefit of the doubt and trust them. Really depends on the 'vibe' though... I'm sure there would be instances where I'd want the cash right away.
Still Looking's Avatar
First appointment, I ALWAYS stick to my plan... one hour!
I've only extended time once. And I asked at the beginning of the session because she indicated that she had time issues, but she was ok to extend that day. I had the additional amount set aside, so I was ok. But this was an outcall, on my turf, and everything was nearby.

I would think that it is hard to ask for Greek at the last minute. Most threads I've seen on the subject indicate that ladies then to do "extra preparation" in anticipation of Greek.

In the end, if I anticipate more money being needed, I would have the exact amount within reach.
KenMonk's Avatar
I always take extra in with me, but I've never needed to use it. I normally stick to the plan and stay as close to the hour as possible. Greek also isn't a deal breaker for me so if a provider doesn't want it or wants to charge more for it I typcially pass. There are a few providers though I would consider paying a bit extra for greek.
I always encourage the guys to bring more in case they want to extend. Most that have asked to extend, do. If a regular told me he left his wallet in the car and he would bring it later then there's a good chance that I trust him and would be fine with it. If it's a new friend, I'd smile and say "I'll be right here waiting for ya." Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
+1 Zarah
Unfortunately, there are also times when I have to turn down the offer to extend. For me, extending is more likely to happen when I'm visiting another place than it is if I'm in my home area. I don't fill the day with guys whether at home or touring. But, they are two totally different situations for me. When I am at home, it is more likely that I have real life obligations to get back to after the appt. is over, and extending can't always be arranged last minute. However, when I am visiting another location for a few days, a request for extension can almost always be accommodated. Although I do fine when touring, most of my day is usually spent sight seeing and bs'ing around the city or lounging in an awesome hotel room eating WAY too much food, lol.

Edited to add: As far as paying extra for services, that won't happen with me. My services are as they stand. So, the only thing a client could offer to pay me extra for would be extra TIME.
I never had the issue with money, but did have a situation a few years ago on a rare B&G I did where we decided to ignore that time of the month and throw caution to the wind, but the little lady didn't have a condom, so I had to run down to the car and get one of my "just in case" condoms, and then run back upstairs. It was a bit of a mood killer to have to get dressed, but it wasn't like cash that could wait till we finished.
I always encourage the guys to bring more in case they want to extend. Most that have asked to extend, do. If a regular told me he left his wallet in the car and he would bring it later then there's a good chance that I trust him and would be fine with it. If it's a new friend, I'd smile and say "I'll be right here waiting for ya." Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
My sentiments exactly. This has never been a problem for me. Usually the money can wait. But it never happens with regulars. They always know to leave the possibility to extend.