Earth Day.......

richcran's Avatar
OK, today is Earth Day. Maybe we could use that as a foundation to improve the world around us, including this place. I've been very impressed with the 'world' that has been created here but lately it has been a place filled with growing animosity and I believe fear (ie-no one wants to post for fear of what someone might say or do with it). As a result seem to be fewer posts and especially few posts of entertainment value. Let's keep it fun and informative. Everyone has the right to express their opinion but lets not attack each other because we might disagree. I have no desire for XWE (ex wife experience) so lets not make it a new menu item. I enjoy reading everyone's point of view both male and female, doesn't mean I have to agree with any of it. It especially does not mean I should attack it if I disagree.

So now that I've said my say, feel free to comment or add to it. Some of you may attack it but I hope not. Let's just all play nice........and strive for world peace.....(this is where the cheers and applause break out......if you don't believe me watch Miss Congeniality!)
screwey's Avatar
Thanks for reminding me. Now I have to go turn on all the lights and turn up the A/C!
  • Booth
  • 04-22-2010, 10:22 AM
Thanks for reminding me. Now I have to go turn on all the lights and turn up the A/C! Originally Posted by screwey
And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure your taxes go up.

Budman's Avatar
And I'm going to do everything I can to make sure your taxes go up.

Originally Posted by Booth
You're too late. Our Idiot-in-Chief beat you to it.
  • Booth
  • 04-22-2010, 10:40 AM
You're too late. Our Idiot-in-Chief beat you to it. Originally Posted by Budman
For myself and most other Americans taxes went down this year so you must be one of the lucky few who makes a shitload of money.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
For myself and most other Americans taxes went down this year so you must be one of the lucky few who makes a shitload of money. Originally Posted by Booth
MIne went up oh well....

Lets all celebrate earth day naked
Centexlicker's Avatar
I am self employed and did not make a shitload of money last year and I'm still being taxed to death, I can't wait until the health care crap comes into play. Thank you Idiot-in-chief. Just one mans opinion.

In honor of earth day I took my Hotrod out for a drive today and burnt up a tank of nice premium gas! LOL
I am sorry but you are very I'll informed and have drunk too much koolaid. Your taxes did or will go up, you just didn't/ don't realize it. Your income taxes didn't go up but if you buy anything, especially from small business owners, they don't absorb taxes. They pass them along. Though 49% now don't pay income taxes (amazingly 47% don't think their taxes are too high), that burden has shifted squarely to the easy targets...those making "too much". What they won't tell you is risk and tax adjustments are passed through the system. Ex. You get drycleaning from a small biz owner. Now, he passes his higher taxes on to you and the rest of us. Same with corporate taxes.

Those facts aren't disputable... What is open is the value judgment of whether sticking it "to the man" is more valued than a growing economy.
ACEIV's Avatar
  • 04-23-2010, 12:58 AM
I'm doing my bit...every earth day I go and dump my motor oil in Barton Springs and enjoy a few tasty Barton Creek Salamanders (with salt)

Oh yeah, any of you who think any politician, regardless of the letter after their name, is going to help you or do what they say are brain washed mental midgets who should be castrated. Is that too harsh???
Budman's Avatar
For myself and most other Americans taxes went down this year so you must be one of the lucky few who makes a shitload of money. Originally Posted by Booth

What flavor KOOL-AID did you get? You apparently drank a shitload.
screwey's Avatar
Well, see? I'm glad I'm not alone here.

Every day that goes by, I can more appreaciate the "I'm an Asshole" song by Dennis Leary.