Provider w/hurt feelings!

I know some would say this is not the place to have feelings, but I guess I do!I had to go back home to see mom for a few days shes been sick,when I get home to open my emails I find a couple emails from a hobby friend that was real rude,ofcourse I dont have to say a name he knows who he is.I work real hard to make my friends happy,by looking at my reviews and talking to some people here on the board they will tell you I go thr extra mile to make one smile,so why do people have to go south when we cant get to our emails do to family business?I could understand if my phone was on and you see I looked at a pm sent by you with no answer,or replys!Thats why you ask for a pm to be comfirmed as open,right!Anyway,take the time to look into why a provider has'nt replied b4 saying things that might put you on a providers blacklist!I promise I provide a service that makes my friends happy and if I am not on top of my emails there is a good reason,I'm a mom too and have to make sure my baby is well taking care of so I can give my hobby my ALL!Anyway,glad to be home and hope things around here has been ok!Hope to hear from my friends soon!
keep your chin up kiddo!
Just shrug it off and consider the guy as someone you probably wouldn't want to meet anyway. If they're going to be ugly in their communications, it's negative energy you don't need. Especially up close & personal. Simply delete & block him.

You have important things going on in your life that require your attention - it's not him. Instead, focus on your family & good health.

It's ok to vent but you may want to post it in the private ladies area. Not in the coed forums because it could cause people to get the wrong impression that you might have a lot of drama. (I'm not saying you do ... just expressing my concerns to a bright young lady with a lot of potential.)

I hope you have a great weekend! Look forward & embrace the chance to do something positive with it!

All the best to you!
Thx for the advice,I'm drama free 100%!All my friends here know that,just had a long week out of town and when I got home to my emails my feelings got hurt.Enjoy your weekend aswell!
Torito's Avatar
In this business (Remeber it is a business) as everywhere in life you will find people who meet your standards and those who do not. Enjoy those that do and ignore the rest. Makes for a happy life for me.

Mister Tudball's Avatar
Don't let the bastards get you down, Sabrina.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Count your blessings. You now know he's someone you don't want to see without having to deal with bad behaviour from him face to face.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Sabrina are the sole owner of your business cant satisfy everyone that you come in contact with or wants to come in contact with you ....dont let it upset you to where you worry about it is to short ..I'm only 71 and still loving the Hobby looking forward to meeting others soon .....but remember you cant be all things to all people .....some just SUCK at life while others embrace it ...but a nice smile always helps ......good luck ...T
TinMan's Avatar
It wasn't clear from your post, but did you miss a scheduled appointment with the guy? If so, and you didn't email to cancel before you left town, I could see why he might be a little miffed.
Yeah, not sure myself on the exact situation, but a NSNC will tend to get under the skin. However, there's never really any reason to get too pissy about an appointment. If you've done this long enough you know as a Hobbyist to not get your knickers in a huge twist on a miscommunication or misconnect. Just put the money back in your pocket and move on to next.

Now, if this guy was just being a dick because you didn't get back to him soon enough for his liking, he is much too high-strung for this game and someone you want to avoid in the future. There's definitley a dark side to this business, the trick is to not let it get you down and maintain the right frame of mind. Keep your head up and good luck!
TinMan's Avatar
If you've done this long enough you know as a Hobbyist to not get your knickers in a huge twist on a miscommunication or misconnect. Just put the money back in your pocket and move on to next.
Originally Posted by Sandman
Absolutely agree on this point. Nothing good ever comes from displaying a temper, even if the other party is in the wrong.
He was probably stuck with a hard-on that he couldn't get rid of. Tends to bring out the worst in guys.

From what I've seen in your posts, you seem to have your head screwed on pretty straight. Sadly, you will encounter some a-holes from time to time in this racket. Keep your priorities clear, mark the guy off your "to see" list and keep on being you.
Braveheart's Avatar


By now the guy is probably feeling bad, begging for forgiveness, and waiting for a car to come and end his misery...we hope!

Take care, BH
Just for the record.........No I did not miss a call,or stand him up!He just wanted to book and I was'nt sending a reply so he felt I was just blowing him off,in reality I was just taking care of mom,and thats my ANGEL so I would never take a chance of her knowing about my hobby business.Since I posted my feelings was hurt the hobby friend has felt real bad about the comment he made and just sent me a very respectful email.Sorry I said somthing just wanted to get it off my chest and this is my only place to express my feelings on such a subject.To be honest he has always been a good friend on here and it was'nt like him to say that.He did say it was a hard~on issue that he wanted fixed right then,I guess blueballs had the best of my buddy!Anyway,good to be home and hope for a good weekend!Looking forward to hearing from yall!
shooter6.5's Avatar
some good and some not.

It appears that this came out fine for you. Sorry to hear about your mom but that is a problem that most have faced at one time or another-so most can relate.

Have a good weekend, and enjoy that little one