GPS and verbal directions.

bjacket's Avatar
As a 4yr hobbyist now, I must ask some opinions, does it bother anyone else when the provider doesn't want to give her physical address for GPS directions, EVEN AFTER SCREENING. They tend to want me to call them at an intersection and tell me over the phone, I AM GOING TO MEET THEM ANYWAY, why does it matter???? I am not trying to offend any girls or catch shit from anyone, I just want to know what other people think. I have to drive over an hour into Dallas every time I make an appt because there are no providers in SHERMAN/DENISON area and I have been given bad directions before and have to drive even longer, this is my issue.
Guest062512's Avatar
I concur. If I'm screened and approved, it would be so much easier to just let my GPS take me in. Is it time to update our procedures to account for technology.
sky_wire's Avatar
Nine times out of ten, I've had only hassles when a provider won't give her complete address for my gps. They range from minor, like having to retrace my route, to major, like no answer when I call after I've driven to the call point. Just a few weeks ago I had a BP hook up where she sent me to one intersection, and then she tried sending to a second intersection that I had already passed on my way to the first. I just blew her off and called a BP regular.
guys call me I love men with GPS,s makes my life so much simpler just to give an address cause I suck at giving verbal directions. You know such stuff as go to the third oak on the left the one with the double fork just past the white post as you pass Jim Millers place on the right then turn left. lol
OldGrump's Avatar
The most convenient method I've experienced is in the form of a text giving directions and address. The apartment number may or may not be omitted, but it sure saves a lot of time.

My GPS and I don't always agree on how to get from one place to another in Dallas. I use it on a "trust but verify" basis. She (the GPS) gets really annoyed when I go "off route".

One simple text saved as a draft would do the job nicely.
I concur ,give us the address .hold the apt number or room number.
It's plain ridiculous for us guys to be running around without any true knowledge of where we are going.
A good example : I was given general directions to a ladies in-call.I-20 and Cooper.She stated she was in a hotel and would give me more info when I got to the area.Over the phone I ask her ,are you North or South of I-20 on Cooper?
The lady had no clue.She was new to the area and didn't know North from South.I just had to ask ,how the hell are you going to give me final directions if you don't know where you are?
So just give us the street address.We can either mapquest it or Gps to your location and you can provide the rest when we arrive.
Do us all a favor stop with the silliness.You won't know till we are at your door whether we are LE or not so this precaution makes zero sense.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Plus 1' some of you like to put it.

Give me something GPS-able, even if that means going outside to a spot close to your incall, GPS-ing that location, and then giving it to me to home in on. Now, from there you can give me the hotel and room # (fwiw, I think it's a wasted step to get the hotel in one call and then the room number in another).

Ladies, think about this: The more information we get at once, the more NATURAL we can look approaching your incall.

There's nothing worse to deal with that having to circle back around here, double back around there, call again to verify, etc, etc...and sometimes trying to do all this at night, in the rain, in rough traffic, etc, etc.

These are the reasons why I got GPS in the first place, so please...give me a chance to use the damn thing.
  • T-Can
  • 05-16-2010, 10:53 AM
This may seem a little ridiculous but.....
Before I leave, they give the general area and tell me if it's a hotel or apartment. I just look on google maps and memorize where the hotels and apartments are in the area so when I get there, I can find it easily.

That's just me, though.
I think that most girls do it because some guys are retarded. Since some are retarded and we have no idea how to gauge their retardedness by initial conversations, we just assume you all are.

I think it is to know exactly where you are and when you will arrive. We know that if you call us when you get to 635 and Anywhere St. that you are approximately 8 mins. from our door. When you call at our apartment complex, we can look out our window and see you pulling up.

Some guys are early, some are late. Some are very early. Some are very late. The 2/3 call method gives the provider a sense of control with the time so you aren't 15 mins. early and banging on her door while she is douching out the last guys' condom smell.

I do agree with giving an address for the GPS. Whether it be the hotel or apartment complex address or to the CVS across the street. Hell, I even sleep with my GPS to know which way to get out of bed in the morning. Can't live without it.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I think that most girls do it because some guys are retarded. Since some are retarded and we have no idea how to gauge their retardedness by initial conversations, we just assume you all are.

I think it is to know exactly where you are and when you will arrive. We know that if you call us when you get to 635 and Anywhere St. that you are approximately 8 mins. from our door. When you call at our apartment complex, we can look out our window and see you pulling up.

Some guys are early, some are late. Some are very early. Some are very late. The 2/3 call method gives the provider a sense of control with the time so you aren't 15 mins. early and banging on her door while she is douching out the last guys' condom smell.

I do agree with giving an address for the GPS. Whether it be the hotel or apartment complex address or to the CVS across the street. Hell, I even sleep with my GPS to know which way to get out of bed in the morning. Can't live without it. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
I think this is sensible and I was also going to suggest providing the GPS users (me included) with an address of something near by so that we can easily get to the area and then go from there.

One other point to my fellow GPS users - don't forget to clean out the 'previous destinations' data that your GPS device stores. Could be just as awkward as a list of numbers in your phone.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't use a GPS, but I hate providers that give poor directions. If you're giving directions you should 1) know the neighborhood; 2) know landmarks; and 3) know the cardinal points of a map.
Most providers do not speak North, South, East or West. How do they know when to tell you turn RIGHT when they don't know which direction your car is pointed?

It is definitely a gender thing.

I now use a Braille GPS system almost exclusively. That and my "curb feelers" usually get me there. The white cane is showing asphalt skid marks.
Yes i agree with this statement

And some address are not GPS friendly and not so reliable. Seriously the GPS will take through you two towns, a stop at the piggly wiggly, a 7-11 run before it gets to my place. Dude it took an hour to get here, and you came from 75. Okay i joke, but seriously, some GPS does not take people the fastest and less traffic way.

I know that my address is not GPS friendly. I tried it, it sucks. It took me around me the world and back.

I think that most girls do it because some guys are retarded. Since some are retarded and we have no idea how to gauge their retardedness by initial conversations, we just assume you all are.

I think it is to know exactly where you are and when you will arrive. We know that if you call us when you get to 635 and Anywhere St. that you are approximately 8 mins. from our door. When you call at our apartment complex, we can look out our window and see you pulling up.

Some guys are early, some are late. Some are very early. Some are very late. The 2/3 call method gives the provider a sense of control with the time so you aren't 15 mins. early and banging on her door while she is douching out the last guys' condom smell.

I do agree with giving an address for the GPS. Whether it be the hotel or apartment complex address or to the CVS across the street. Hell, I even sleep with my GPS to know which way to get out of bed in the morning. Can't live without it. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
hwygnome's Avatar
How about using an intersection(cross streets) for a location. Works good for the security minded on each side.

And for those who want to let the idiot box tell them where to go, well they can tell it where they want to be told where to go. You follow that?
Guest062512's Avatar
LOL BJ. I just laughed 'til I snorted.