Have We All Gone Totally Mad?

Lana Warren's Avatar
I have pondered starting this thread for the last couple of days and hope like hell it doesn't start WWIII!

I've been an active lady for quite awhile now and have been a member of this board for many months! I came over to this board because of it's tranquil nature much unlike what I left behind! Not that I am unhappy here, but alot of the things that happen here have me concerned!

Just seems there's alot of negativity going around! Newbies for one! We all understand the nature of being safe in this hobby, but why in the hell flame someone for being new? Yes, the newbies tend to ask stupid questions, but it is our job to redirect their questions in a more positive manner! Remember, we were all newbies at one time!

Second of all, it seems like every comment on a thread is rebutted with a negative remark! We may not agree with every post, but again, it is our job to conduct ourselves as adults!

Even when reading the reviews, I cringe because of all the snide remarks from the fellow hobbyists! No, not every girl is going to be to your liking, but let's try to use constructive criticism! And as for ghost reviews, that needs to stop.......doesn't take an idiot to figure that out!

As for the, "He said, she said" crap, let's think before we type! 9 times out of 10, the truth comes out after we have had a chance to cool down!

I want to have a good time when I log in here everyday, but it's really hard when you read thread after thread about the same crap......constant bitching and moaning!

Ok, I'm done with my hissy fit.......let's have some fun!
Judge Smails's Avatar
Fun rules. Sex rules. This is supposed to be fun. Still more civil the ASPD but.....

Lana, love the new avatar. Sorry, back to your programming....
LazurusLong's Avatar
Welcome to ASPD 2.0
berkleigh's Avatar
I haven't partisipated much in the last several weeks due to "real life" but everytime I log in it seems so negative around here! I see the threads and hardly any new topics and tons of bullshit! Don't let this board turn into *s*d.....I like it here!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Fun rules. Sex rules. This is supposed to be fun. Still more civil the ASPD but.....

Lana, love the new avatar. Sorry, back to your programming.... Originally Posted by Judge Smails

Thank you, sweetheart!
I understand your feelings Lana.

Alot of people have stopped posting, same who has the best topics, and not necessary written by newbies. With so many topics out there to talk about, we can't come up anything. I will not even post a thread for fear of flaming, well sorta, but why post to get negativity to a question.

As far as newbies asking questions, well maybe they could research alittle bit, or post their inquiries of who has the best in ISO, its a whole section catered to that. Too many new ladies posting threADS. When its a two sections catered to that.

Reviews, wow, brutal, you got pimps posting reviews, come on we know you are a pimp, okay sorry i think you guys call those ghost reviews, and then there are those who post comments and never even saw the lady, and just got to make a negative comment about her. Dude, well because only men can make comments in reviews, you are an internet bully.

Stop being internet bullies, I remember those not being cool in high school or now. However a nerdy geek is always cool to me.

Oh to answer your question Lana, I have gone mad......hehehehe, allergies kicking my butt.
I haven't partisipated much in the last several weeks due to "real life" but everytime I log in it seems so negative around here! I see the threads and hardly any new topics and tons of bullshit! Don't let this board turn into *s*d.....I like it here! Originally Posted by berkleigh
+1. I feel like this boad is turnning into aspd as well. I dont get on here that much anymore
  • hd
  • 05-18-2010, 07:17 AM
Lana's right, some of the newbie posts tend to get cut up pretty bad from the regulars, we were all there at one time so we should cut them some slack and be positive and helpful with comments on their posts. And some provider reviews from the "experienced" members also cut to the bone on some of the girls. I like to use the YMMV as a way to cover activities that didn't go the way I'd wished, and not to bash her for it. After all, we all have limits to what we like and do. We need to remember, we have stupid providers and I think more often then not, some idiot hobbyist that think if I'm paying for it, you're going to do what I want.

I like to add a light-hearted comment to some of the fun posts, but my sense of humor can easily be construed differently when read as text instead of hearing it verbally.
Most of my favorite reviewers don't write them anymore, I am guessing because they don't like the bs comments. I agree the negative comments and attacks get old. But there is still plenty of good stuff on here, some days you just have to look a little harder to find it.

If the happier people would post more and spend less time feeding the trolls, the general tone of the board would improve.

I see Lisa's point about not wanting to start threads. Not that some of the guys don't post interesting stuff, but I would really rather see what the providers have to say, even if it is nothing more than a poorly disguised ad.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Welcome to ASPD 2.0 Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Given that almost all the old ASPD crowd transferred here that should surprise no one.

But on a different level should we be surprised at all? I belong to several other forums both professional and other interests, and I have seen similar behavior there as well. Ignorant newbies and impatient regulars are a volatile combination in any setting.

If I were to go into any one of the paintball forums I frequent and post who has the best marker, best paint, best fields... I would receive the exact same response perf did in his Best thread.

The fact is too many people fail to do due diligence like read the forum guidelines and instructions before posting. How many of us have seen one or two line reviews where the OP is indignate of even gentle correction and responds with, "this is why I don't do reviews..." Which typically incites the rejoinder, "If you don't like it, don't post useless reviews..." And the war is on.

Whenever I join a new forum I read everything I can, lurk in the various threads. Get a sense of the various personalities before I post a single word. Go anywhere on the net, in all the millions of forums out there and you will read that advice on 99% of those boards. Yet only 1% of the people even choose to read it. Again, it's human nature.

It's not that we've lost our minds, but that we are behaving exactly as humans have behaved toward clueless strangers in their communities since we started gathering in grass hut villages. How do you modify a behavior that is ingrained into our instinctive memory to protect the community by forcing outsiders into community compliance? I don't know, but I see makings of an interesting anthopogical PhD dissertation.
smokeater's Avatar
I have seen the change big time since ASPD was shut down. I never used ASPD and find myself here less and less lately.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
+1, monkmonk. This board, and others like it, are where the money is made. It should be for the hobbyists, but there's too much at stake for WKs, a few bad apple providers, even pimps to let things alone. So providers on the up-and-up get savaged and hobbyists who dare write anything negative get slashed on a regular basis. I come here now to do my due diligence, write a review and otherwise stay away from the fray. Ain't worth it and ain't gonna change.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
It's getting to the point that if you want to post on here you must first don full battle armor.

Shit I spend 95% of my time lounging around in a t-shirt, flip flops, and gym shorts. It takes time to put the gear on and it weighs a ton!!!

But at the same time I hate to give in to the trolls and stop posting comments and reviews altogether.

I have also observed that lots of my favorite posters don't contribute as much as they used to, and it's sad.

I just wish we could all learn to live together in harmony...and just have fun.

But there's a small group of members who refuse to let that happen.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Certain reviews have to be taken with a grain of salt ......Maybe the provider was not exactly what the hobbiest wanted .....but no need for a slashing review...I met a provider on Monday ....She is new and was new to me ...I thought she was very nice and tried to do her best ..but her best wasnt to my liking ...that doesnt mean I have to write a scathing review and have others think poorly of her ......The next person that sees her may think she is his ATF ....instead of a NO on her review I didnt post a review at all ...If she had been a no show.really rude ,or something extremely bad I would reviewed her and told the entire board ..but just because she was not my cup of tea she doesnt deserve a scathing review ......just my humble opinion .....gotta take the good with the bad...and I dont feel like I TOFTT...actually personality wise she was Very nice ..but performance wasnt what I expected ...But both of our lives will go forward I am sure ......Good luck to her in the future .......T
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I have seen the change big time since ASPD was shut down. I never used ASPD and find myself here less and less lately. Originally Posted by smokeater
+ 1 on that.
Log on to any of my car sites and newbies are seriously bombarded for the slightest thing. Then again, the saavier more inteligent posters, are often absent. Newbies seem to not bother to use the search button and they do ask the dumbest questions. Kind of like when the rest of us were newbies. Guess they have to start somewhere so patience is a virtue that is necessary on this boards.
On another note, aspd asswipes are here in full force. As far as that is concerned, I just cut down my posting or flame them when they become present on a thread. They know who they are and there's nothing we can do about those turds.