This Place is Great!

So, there's a lot of board-bashing and ranting and raving about how this board is so unfriendly. I just wanted to put in my $.02.

It may not be perfect, but this board is awesome. Yes, there are the jerks and trolls and crazies, but you'll get that anywhere. This board has given me an amazing resource to run my business safely and efficiently. It allows me to laugh, cry, rant, and learn with others like me, and the people who value our time. It gives my potential new friends a chance to see a little bit of my personality, and it gives me a chance to see a little bit of theirs. I can find out quickly if a potential client has a history of dangerous or general bad behavior. I can find out where is good to tour. I can find out which providers are and aren't reliable references. Hobbyists can find out who they should or shouldn't see based on a history of reviews.

Yes, there is some abuse. But, come on people, it's the internet. It's not a boxing ring. The guy on the other side of the monitor cannot reach out and punch you (much as he might like to) for the things you say. Post your reviews, post your alerts, post your questions, opinions, rants, concerns, etc and don't worry about anyone that doesn't like it. The jerks can't ruin what you don't let them. And you surely aren't required to take valuable time out of your day to silence the idiot that had something snippy to say. Everyone saw it, everyone knows he's a jerk. No need to bring yourself down to that level.

Our awesome and hard-working mods are doing their best to make sure this place is as pleasant, easy, and informative as possible without crossing that my-way-or-the-highway line. They want people to be able to say what's on their mind. Don't start asking for too much censorship. You might just get it. And then what fun would this place be?
rakuguy's Avatar
thank you traci. we realize we'll never please everyone but we continue to try our best. your kind words are deeply appreciated.

Don't start asking for too much censorship. You might just get it. And then what fun would this place be? Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Excellent post Traci, and couldn't agree with you more about your conclusion. Thanks for making things a little more positive!
Int3rested's Avatar
Good stuff..We r not responsible for nor do we own what someone else says or does!
Good point, if i took everything i read in co-ed to heart, i would have my account disabled. So i just try to stay in the Ladies room.
Traci, I think there are less than a dozen real a$$holes on the board... some just post once or twice and disappear - then there are a few that post incessantly.

I don't know (or care) about the politics of the board, so I just put the ...holes on ignore and enjoy my happy self as though they don't exist... works for me.

Helps keep my blood pressure down, too.

Black Sedan's Avatar
Cheers to Traci for starting this thread. And no that's not a WK thing...

Enjoying the positives in life is the fucking* point of this hobby, isn't it?

* used in the punniest possible meaning of course. Moaning allowed and encouraged.

Toolman54's Avatar
I'm glad that, as a provider, you find this site useful. Obviously, it's great for hobbyists because it gives us a chance to check things out. You did a great job of expressing your thoughts.

And not to get too mushy but this site is like anything else in life. The vast majority of people on here are great. The ass holes and dick heads are in the minority but because they're a-holes and d-heads, they draw a lot of attention to themselves.
pmdelites's Avatar
and if that's isnt a satisfied customer talking, i dont know what is.
perhaps this should be stickied somewhere!!

traci, the more i read your posts, the more you appear to be a very observent, thoughtful, and eloquent person. i can almost imagine what an encounter with you would be like.

oh, and very attractive in your avatar photo, imho.
[yep, this is also a great site to view lots of photos of some incredible women]
Lana Warren's Avatar
Thank you Traci, for starting this thread! Goes to show you how well we can get along! I'm soooo happy to be a part of this great community!
Saturn's Avatar
Traci makes everything all right
Yes its good to hear something nice.. Stay sweet Traci!!
I agree, lets just all get along. This is a great place to be and lets keep it like that. Now everybody just go have sex and be happy.
berkleigh's Avatar
She has a good point and I miss how positive it use to be here! This is suppose to be fun and nothing less....I was involved with a man who use to moderate here as well as 2 other boards. It was sad that about 90% of conversation daily was board related and I have heard more than my fair share of what really goes on behind the scenes. I support this board and push for so many to join as you all know I travel weekly. I know that the moderators/owners put up with a great deal of bullshit and can only tackle so much at a time. This community was built up by all of us and we should be fortunate for the good resources and ability to advertize. It is so well organized now and seems to be getting better as time goes on. I love it here just choose not to partisipate in the drama.
This place is just fine. Some folks just aren't happy unless they can pass their own misery on to others. Lame, but whadaya gonna do?