The Tax Preparation Industry Is Stymieing Efforts to Make Tax Filing Simpler

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Having the IRS have a free tax preparation site is a no brainer. only a matter of time they do this. and the tax preparation do not like this idea.

IRS already has all the info they need about you. so it makes sense they would run one.

I believe they do run one but its functionality is limited and not many taxpayers know about it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
And that's shocking why ? Industries been doing the same thing for years for money cars, tax's the more difficult the better
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And that's shocking why ? Industries been doing the same thing for years for money cars, tax's the more difficult the better Originally Posted by rexdutchman

not shocking.

but those companies want to keep the gravy train flowing. They do not want free services from IRS! they feel that they would lose profit if their customers went to IRS to file their taxes instead of with them.
I do it myself, have been for many years.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I do it myself, have been for many years. Originally Posted by Levianon17

yeah, but its takes an 1 hour to work it thru.

I used to do it myself before I got into the stock market.
yeah, but its takes an 1 hour to work it thru.

I used to do it myself before I got into the stock market. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I know, but mine aren't that complicated. My refund really isn't that much and I hate paying a CPA.