Valentine's Day: As Good an Excuse as Any ...

James1588's Avatar
... to send along some good wishes to the ladies who have added so much joy to so many of our lives. I've only met a handful of you in person, more's the pity, but there's always the chance that I might meet one or two more before all is said and done. Meanwhile, I appreciate you all. You're therapists-without-license, dispensing warmth and gentle touches in a world that's terribly short on both. Thanks, and have a fine day!
pyramider's Avatar
No Valentine's Day is complete without taint photos being posted ...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Just saw this! (I need to start stalking your posts! They're usually so great and thoughtful!)

Happy, belated, Valentine's Day to everyone as well. I know that it's a fabricated event but still ... it's nice to read someone writing such kind sentiments.

Thanks for the topic, James1588.

James1588's Avatar
Awwwww ... Elisabeth, you're so nice! Go ahead and stalk my posts all you want. Heck, I stalk yours!