
... Crikey! ... Do ya see it? ... I was thinkin
the NBA basketball finals must be this weekend
- what with the Chinese balloon in the air over America.

Either it China's "goodyear blimp" just flying-about
the countrysides ---- OR yer President Biden really
DID sell 'imself and America to China.

... If Trump was still on - it surely woulda been
blasted out o' the sky by now.

... But - perhaps your worst fears are true!
And China owns Joe! ...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
... Hey Bambino - you surely been 'round the scene
for a good while... Other sites and what-not...

Have YOU even seen anything like this?
Constant lies and corruption from Biden's people
and NOW a foreign enemy nation actually FLYING
a "weather balloon" across America. ...

... Reckon I'm at a loss with this shit. ...

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hard to believe the current government is this feckless.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hard to believe the current government is this feckless. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

not really. this is happening, all of it, on purpose. huge illegal influx of wretches to turn the US into the shitholes they came from, destroy the energy sector, allow China to buy up huge amounts of farmland, control the food supply here, and of course let China spy on the US without consequences.

who owns Biden? China.

Ripmany's Avatar
I beet the original poster to it.
I beet the original poster to it. Originally Posted by Ripmany
... Too right you did, mate. ...

But you got such a funny accent that I couldn't understand
yer thread title there. ... Sorry.

... And you're correct that the balloon thing
would not be a problem for Trump. ... When President
Trump was on - He had a special unit of the DOJ
to combat Chinese Espionage... And as soon as
Biden took over - Biden CANCELLED it.
Because the faculty at Penn university complained.

No doubt because thru Biden's "think tank" there
with his Chinese partners - China donated near
50 Million to the school...

Surely wonder just how much of the 50 Million
made its way to the Biden family??

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
You don't hear about it because these guys do their job.

And just maybe the Commander in Chief understands and respects that unlike the last one
Ripmany's Avatar

There mass produce them. I did not know balloon could go up 60,000 ft. Is a spy balloon or show off balloon.

They now have a balloon over Latin America now.
Ripmany's Avatar

It just a higher balloon if the red bull has one twice the height than it can surly be taken out.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Air Force can't shoot it down because it is an Alean Mother Ship . . .and Will Smith is on "vacation". Sigourney Weaver isn't answering her phone either.
adav8s28's Avatar
The balloon is over Missouri now. The wind will take it the Alantic ocean in the next couple of days. No need to shoot it down. To much debris would come from the equivalent of 4 trucks worth of metal. This isn't a Tom Cruise Top Gun movie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2023, 07:03 AM
The balloon is over Missouri now. The wind will take it the Alantic ocean in the next couple of days. No need to shoot it down. To much debris would come from the equivalent of 4 trucks worth of metal. This isn't a Tom Cruise Top Gun movie. Originally Posted by adav8s28
These boys are now blaming a balloon on our energy sector BOOMING (Although they think it is being destroyed!).

Now China is buying up our farmland...last week it was Bill Gates.

These mutherfuckers are seeing death and destruction in the form of a fucking weather baloon!