In somewhat of a follow up to the thread about what a lady should wear when greeting a client, I have the following question.
Ladies, do you leave the door ajar after giving the client the room number in order to allow himself in?
Guys, do you find it a bit odd for a provider to purposefully allow you to enter the room without knocking or having her open the door?
I've noticed that lately, more and more providers are just giving me their room number and saying the door will be ajar and for me to come on in. I will still knock before entering as a courtesy. Usually, she's waiting by the door anyway. I'm just curious as to why providers are doing this. I would think that for safety reasons, one would want the door to be closed and locked. That way the lady can look through the peep whole before allowing a stranger to come in. I can understand on a second and subsequent visits, but for a first time, I find it a bit dangerous.