If your Hobbyist is having a heart attack!!

.....there is always the pussibility of giving a hobbyist -young or old- a heart attack....not to be rude but if he was to die, he will be going wayyyy happyyyy lol....

* first give him one Aspirin (unless allergic)

* ask if he has nitro (nitroglycerine) with him, (if they have angina they carry it with them)

* then grrrll !! call 911....btw this is when your get dressed and try to dress your guy
(remove bondage ropes, gadgets or straps on - he will be taken to the ER, lol)

* if unresponsive start CPR- (DATY will NOT work here..lol)

* then you need to explain the paramedics the "event" that triggered the symptoms, don't worry they have heard it all, ask for discretion, if this hobbyist is a regular, as a courtesy send him flowers to the hospital with a cute note..... and..."don't worry be happy"
* if unresponsive start CPR- (DATY will NOT work here..lol) Originally Posted by Monica Austin
Most unresponsive hobbyist are terrible at DATY , so definitely not a recommended life saving measure ! But who knows , maybe a good wet BBBJ could save a life ?
I have to agree with you....but a prostate massage might do as well.... lol
jimmyBJ's Avatar
If ya got to go, go with a smile!
jimmyBJ.....Amen lol
I brought this topic up a while back, providers probably should get CPR certified and keep that certification current. And don't worry about Paramedic's reporting what they think might have been going on to LE, they are under no obligation if there's no evidence of violence.
NastaCanasta .... I wrote it because on info share someone was worried about our middle-age hobbyist ...there is nothing to worry because old or young, male or female it may happen...we just need to know what to do to save their lives....aspirin, 911 and CPR ....
Paramedics only get involved and call the authorities when it is something to do with children.or violence....they will not be concerned about someone in the hobby ....and providers should not be scared of calling 911 ......definitely learn CPR ...sometimes is free if you look at the boards on coffee shops like Starbucks .....
txtorn8do's Avatar
Cumming and going at the same time. It's rumored to have happened to a Vice President. Nothing like going out with a "bang".
runswithscissors's Avatar
This is a serious and thought provoking thread; however....

Roll him on his back, climb on cowgirl, hands on his chest, and ride like you're in the rodeo finals...

He will either kick start back up and buck you off, or die a damn happy cowboy....
RunsWithscissors: if you want to be technical ....climb as a cowgirl, find your landmarks, put your hands above the xyphoid, ride him like in a rodeo fifteen times and blow twice (DFK).....we are preserving oxygenated brain cells ....YEEHAA
runswithscissors's Avatar
I humbly stand corrected, Monica my dear....

You must demonstrate this manuever over and over with me...

Practice makes perfect you know....COWGIRL UP!
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Both of my grandfathers died from heart attacks.
My father had triple bypass and his heart was failing already when cancer took him.
Two of my uncles succumbed to heart attacks.
I am over fifty and overweight.
While I don't smoke and never have, I lived with heavy smokers for my entire childhood.
My cholesterol is too high.
The possibility of having a heart attack while hobbying has crossed my mind more than once. I am gratified to see (beyond the gallows humor, which I also understand and support) that some do take this seriously, because what terrifies me, and I DO mean TERRIFIES, is that I would be stricken by a heart attack during a session, and the lady would leave without doing anything to help. This is one reason why I prefer to see the same lady or ladies; I would hope that some kind of friendship would have built up, and that her concern for me would outweigh any embarrassment or angst she might have at trying to explain herself to the paramedics, or worse, the police.
Now, I'm not stupid or naive enough to actually ask how many ladies out there would abandon me to my fate...but I do wonder. Because when it comes right down to it, I'm nothing special; I'm just another client, and some ladies might just find it expedient to dress quickly and leave.
Of course, there's one foolproof defense against that happening: Incall, baby!
Runswithscissors: anytime ........hugs
Poet Laureate : you know I will take care of you....know CPR....I think the ladies here will do the right thing and ask for help. It is plain common sense.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Poet Laureate : you know I will take care of you....know CPR....I think the ladies here will do the right thing and ask for help. It is plain common sense. Originally Posted by Monica Austin
Careful Monica...I'm a boobs lover. If you do 'take care' of me, it just might trigger the event we're trying to avoid!
But seriously, there is only one provider I've ever been with from Eccie where I had my doubts. So far I've felt pretty comfortable.
Poet laureate: I am glad she makes you comfortable....yes if you are boob lover ...avoid me because I can increase your ......blood flow to certain areas ......lol