SO This whole State is being effected by Crazy. First the shooting in Chattanooga Now here in Nashville. I see a police officer or 2 was just killed in another Place.
The people here have been friendly and welcoming.

My heart is so saddened and wounded for the fear and horrifing thoughts this can scar a city with.

My thoughts are here
bluffcityguy's Avatar
SO This whole State is being effected by Crazy. Originally Posted by Majichands
As a native Missourian (St. Louis, to be precise) exiled to Tennessee for a little over 14 years, it's been my observation that crazy is pretty much the defining characteristic of the native Tennesseean (that's one reason why, even though I've been here 14+ years, I don't identify as a Tennesseean). Yes, there are probably exceptions to the rule, but they are very few and far between. And probably keeping themselves well hidden.

Crazy is definitely a requirement for election to political office here; that's one reason why I have never voted here, and never will.


cp9406's Avatar
I think you're opinion of Tennessee is jaded by the fact that you live in Memphis.

As a native Missourian (St. Louis, to be precise) exiled to Tennessee for a little over 14 years, it's been my observation that crazy is pretty much the defining characteristic of the native Tennesseean (that's one reason why, even though I've been here 14+ years, I don't identify as a Tennesseean). Yes, there are probably exceptions to the rule, but they are very few and far between. And probably keeping themselves well hidden.

Crazy is definitely a requirement for election to political office here; that's one reason why I have never voted here, and never will.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I think you're opinion of Tennessee is jaded by the fact that you live in Memphis. Originally Posted by cp9406
There is a great deal of truth in that, however it's also jaded by my observations of the people who've occupied the office(s) of Mayor of Memphis, Mayor of Shelby County, US congresscritters from the 7th (Fincher) and 8th (Blackburn) districts,* Shelby County Commission, Memphis City Council, and just about every member of the Tennessee General Assembly (both houses).

I maintain I come by my cynicism honestly.



* No, I don't think Steve Cohen (9th District--i.e., my--congresscritter) is crazy, but I will concede he's had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth from time to time...
Well the people that made to n my bed where all great.....