STD testing

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  • WMIM
  • 01-03-2017, 06:02 PM
The elephant in the room, STD

I'm curious, a lot of escorts have offered that they just got tested or they test regularly, I'm all for that but sometimes skeptical that those services are readily available and free or affordable - they should be IMO. Anyway, seems like that service is more available to women? What about men?

I know Pima County Health offers testing and I suspect all the counties do, but what does confidential mean, do they require ID and what does it cost? I have seen Chlamydia and Gonorrhea urine testing where you pay online - you can use a fake name and email, get your lab order, then go to a reputable lab to drop your pee. They email you your results. Best price for the two tests is $90, so I doubt it will used often by escorts. No insurance, no ID other than your payment but no name on the paperwork, so fro a married guy, not so bad.. Is the County Health department any less expensive? Don't relish the creepy factor. Maybe I should show up at women's clinic and ask for equal treatment :-),
Anyway, wonder what the ladies and gents do.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I test at a clinic that caters to women. They are always very nice there and the women that come and go just figure I'm there waiting on someone. Don't sweat it Bro.