New Eccie policy on posting of pics/images/videos

Folks - wanted to update you on the new Eccie guidelines for the posting of pics/images/videos.

1. Members [ clients & providers ] may no longer post images & videos depicting them engaged in sex acts, period. (Generic images that they found on the internet are fine. ex. they can post a pic of a hot porn star giving a blow job. That's fine. The line is drawn where it's them engaged in a sex act....OR a provider engaged in a sex act.)

2. Members may NOT post nude or partial-nude images of any NON-Verified Provider unless it's a picture that they pulled off the internet. (like a back page ad pic or something like that)
(Ex. if a guy sees a girl in a spa or from back page and she's not a VP here, he is welcome to post a fully-clothed pic of her that he took. No nudity whatsoever.....otherwise it can only be a pic that's also available elsewhere on the internet, like her website, studio or spa website, another advertising venue like back page, etc)

3. As this is a new guideline - it will be updated accordingly & periodically.

As always - we thank you for your co-operation and understanding .