I've had this topic on my mind forever, but never had a chance to start a thread about it.

Regarding all the killings going on around here :

These killings remind me why it is best to have a buddy system.
Telling someone where and with whom you are going can CYA in the long run.

I always tell the gent I'm seeing I have a girlfriend to whom I tell who, where, when, and for how long I'm seeing him (I even do this in my civi life. Thanks mom, for instilling this notion in me! ). This usually deters any weirdoes from wanting to come over.

Yesterday, I forgot to tell a guy before he came over that I use this buddy system. So I ended up telling him right as I was directing him from the major intersection. He said I was too much trouble/difficult, and he was going to have my ad taken down on BP blah, blah blah (I googled him and texted him all of his info and something along the lines of "don't start no $#!) wont be no $#!), sorry it didn't work out, and to have a nice day......"I SAY GOO-DAY!"lol). None the less, he never came over and never said a word back. I'm glad I told him the wrong hotel. He was probably a weirdo anyway.

Yeah I missed out on one appointment. Who cares; when you have faith that your phone will be ringing again soon with a great gentleman who doesn't mind your buddy system at all. As a matter of fact, all the true gentlemen (that have a sister, mother, daughter, any woman they care about) say something along the lines of:

"Of course, please tell a friend. I want you to feel safe."

Most even tell me it in turn makes them feel safe that I take this precaution.

I would even suggest it for guys when they go to see a BP random.
Sounds silly, but if you told a lady you have told another of your whereabouts, I doubt she'll tell you to come on by if she intends to set you up.

Food for thought.....what do you ladies and gents think about this system? Is it useful or too much trouble? Do you use it? I wanted to start a poll in this thread but I forgot how to use that function.
This article rocks....
I just started touring for the first time and this makes alot of sense and it's better to be safe than sorry.
My sister and I are very close and I let her know what motel, the room, and the phone number.
Thanks for bringing this thread out and other safety measures should be brought up to providers like myself that are just starting out with touring.
No problem Anita. Glad you have your sister to have your back.

P.M. me with any questions. Or better yet, the ladies from the area you are going to. There are so many helpful ladies that will give you the run down of their area. I usually pm a few, and most times they pm me back with a warm welcome and tons of info.

Thanks by the way, to all the ladies that were so willing to help me with my inquiries about LA. You know who you are!
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
I hope I'm one of the gentlemen you was talking about.
DallasRain's Avatar
great post

I have had a buddy system for over 5 years.....I would not have it any other way!

Feleing safe on BOTH parties sides makes for a better session!
Dallas, you should be my buddy
Great thread! Thanks!
I hope I'm one of the gentlemen you was talking about. Originally Posted by nolatribalwarfare
Indeed you are. Thanks for being compliant with my paranoia from that weirdo caller yesterday; and clearing up any hesitations I had about your reference. You really went the extra mile in providing screening info. It was a pleasure to meet you, twice. You are a true gent.

I pay a retired ex provider friend weekly to watch my back. She is priceless.
gimme_that's Avatar
I understand why ladies do the buddy system. I just don't like sitting at my outcall when she arrives as she's talking to her buddy.......

"Don't worry, he's a safe guy, yep I'm looking at him right now.......thanks bye"

I think this is something I would prefer she does prior to visiting me, or at least discreetly through a text when she uses the bathroom. Its not necessarily a mood breaker persay, but I don't like being percieved as anything less than a gentleman when we meet. It just feels weird to me.

On the reciprocal I'm sure ladies would feel weird if I said I had a buddy on standby who was waiting for my call should she be less than a savory character. I'm sure most ladies response would be do your research on her. Same as her doing good screening on me. I'm sure on the reciprocal whether the lady was honest or not she would consider that a mild mattter how it sounded.

What about this scenario........what if a provider comes to visit you and while placing her bags down a gun or taser slides out of her purse. Do you consider it a threat, or her just being safety cautious.

Or what about if a client walks in your incall and calls his buddy to let him know the room should the provider be unsafe.

I just think with the advent of new technology....text or anything other than a live phone call seems more respectful. I just hate the scrutiny I guess especially if I have refs.
In short, yes texting discreetly for sure; and all the other info sharing before the gent arrives.

Yeah like I say, the reciprocal might seem a little silly but you don't have to tell her you have a buddy. You can just tell a buddy for your own safety's sake.

The gun scenario is kind of out there. I would never even see a client if I think I needed a gun or taser. Thinking a few steps ahead, I wouldn't want my own weapon to be used on me. This thread is about safety not endangerment.

Heidi, I understand screening gets a gent in the door. But what good is it if the provider is the only one that knows who she just saw when she is lying there dead.

I don't mean to insult the many great clients that have good current references. Not everyone has references every one starts out somewhere. Also some of the weirdo's over the years don't strike on everyone. Anyone could snap at any minute for any reason. All I'm saying is the buddy system will most likely deter any harmful intentions if any arise.
DallasRain's Avatar
If any providers need my help or need me to "know where they are" ,feel free to call me!

We all need to make sure we stay safe!
I thought every lady with any understanding of safety used the buddy system to check in upon arrival and check out upon departure. I cannot imagine otherwise.
LilRed's Avatar
My Sir always knows where I am. I discreetly check in before and after every appointment through email on my phone. It is a comforting feeling to know someone is watching out for me.
DallasRain's Avatar
the buddy system works best when you have a backup "somewhat close enough" to help if needed

I would never do this type of work without that assurance!!