KayC_K's Avatar
If you are the dude I watched full on fist punch a girl in the car beside me tonight just know your license plates were in the hands of the boys blues, so fix the rest of your life you pencil dicked, no mama having, syphillitic placenta infested, amoeba, parasitic anal wart. if you were or are a woman being beaten, controlled, manipulated, tortured or molested on any basis by scum like that, you are not alone. please know I have survived that hell and fight everyday for no woman to ever feel that way. it hurt to see her and not be able to help her out of his car but she is with me for life.
I hope somebody tracks him down and beats him within and inch of his life. I hate that shit.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
From your bio:
Height 5' 5"
Weight 150lbs
Eyes Brown
Hair Brunette (Shoulder Length)
I wasn't that large at your age, but I learned to take care of myself.

So what is the point. The constant amusement (auto corrected I meant to say amazement, but maybe kinda) how women treat themselves as secondary to men in many ways.

Women can do anything they want to do, most just don't believe it. No, you don't have to take that crap and you don't have to give your money to a manager who contributes nothing to your life.

We all understand that women want to please men, and men like that - really like that. However, it is a two way street: when a woman does nice things for a guy he does nice things for a lady. It is never about control and who is in charge.

When that happens, it is time to walk away.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So what is the point. The constant amusement (auto corrected I meant to say amazement..... Originally Posted by sjohnlewis
That you provide to us "sjohnlewis" of not understanding an issue simply continues.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
The constant amazement how women treat themselves as secondary to men in many ways.

Women can do anything they want to do, most just don't believe it.

No, you don't have to take that crap and you don't have to give your money to a manager who contributes nothing to your life.

READ MANAGEMENT AS PIMP for Carpenter to understand what is being said:

Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 08-06-2018, 03:18 PM
I guess I don't see the connection either JR. Surely you're not suggesting the girl that KayC_K saw got punched somehow had it coming because she wasn't strong enough to walk away from an abusive relationship?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Do we need to explain the various aspects of dependence to you? Emotional or otherwise?
And how azzholes can trap gals with it.

Of course I know that some guys prey on gals cause the guys are very good at getting gals trapped in a dependency situation. It doesn't matter what the label is, they are all scum.

And our entire community knows about these traps and that they can be very difficult to escape from. They are not just walk away from things as you infer. It takes phenomenal amounts of courage, it takes advice and support from personal friends. And sometimes it takes direct involvement from others.

Why do you keep embarrassing yourself to the community here.

And by the way, also embarassing yourself to a few gals at an east coast club that are reading this over my shoulder whom are bitching at me for not outright cussing you out for being clueless.

Ok Im done,and happy hr crowd is arriving.
Unless there's a pimp involved this belongs in the sandbox. UC, should you let ladies look at your phone while logged in? I imagine they must be working girls if they are at a bar with you.
Good call, KR. Moved here from Coed Discussions.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I know the rules stubtoe. Open forums are open forums. So having fun stalking?
sjohnlewis's Avatar
"I guess I don't see the connection either JR. Surely you're not suggesting the girl that KayC_K saw got punched somehow had it coming because she wasn't strong enough to walk away from an abusive relationship?"
First: Don't call me JR.
Second: Learn to read asshole learn some logic and quit putting words in my comments. I said nothing about the girl had it coming, idiot. No woman has it coming, not ever; and you know it.

Third: read what Carpenter says about how difficult it is for a woman to walk away from a situation.

Do we need to explain the various aspects of dependence to you? Emotional or otherwise?
And how azzholes can trap gals with it.

Of course I know that some guys prey on gals cause the guys are very good at getting gals trapped in a dependency situation. It doesn't matter what the label is, they are all scum.

And our entire community knows about these traps and that they can be very difficult to escape from. They are not just walk away from things as you infer. It takes phenomenal amounts of courage, it takes advice and support from personal friends. And sometimes it takes direct involvement from others.

Why do you keep embarrassing yourself to the community here.

And by the way, also embarassing yourself to a few gals at an east coast club that are reading this over my shoulder whom are bitching at me for not outright cussing you out for being clueless.

Ok Im done,and happy hr crowd is arriving. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
This is very well stated. Thank you Carpenter. You also should stop calling me JR. I am free to comment about what KayC_K said and attempt to give her some encouragement because she is right.

I should comment that what you say about the various aspects of dependency should also apply to the world outside of the hobby. Subordinate does not mean the same thing as submissive (meekly obedient or passive).

Society as a whole has a tendency to expect women to be obedient and passive making it difficult to teach young ladies the skills to be leaders of men, and women, and not submissive. Teaching leadership to young girls has always seemed to be difficult. It takes time and effort. Sports, public speaking, science and math all help. Most important, I insisted that the daughters and granddaughters take the hard courses in school.

Self confidence is developed by achievement over time.

A self confident woman would never allow abuse.
sjohnlewis's Avatar
"I guess I don't see the connection either JR. Surely you're not suggesting the girl that KayC_K saw got punched somehow had it coming because she wasn't strong enough to walk away from an abusive relationship?"
First: Don't call me JR.
Second: Learn to read asshole learn some logic and quit putting words in my comments. I said nothing about the girl had it coming, idiot. No woman has it coming, not ever; and you know it.

Third: read what Carpenter says about how difficult it is for a woman to walk away from a situation.

Do we need to explain the various aspects of dependence to you? Emotional or otherwise?
And how azzholes can trap gals with it.

Of course I know that some guys prey on gals cause the guys are very good at getting gals trapped in a dependency situation. It doesn't matter what the label is, they are all scum.

And our entire community knows about these traps and that they can be very difficult to escape from. They are not just walk away from things as you infer. It takes phenomenal amounts of courage, it takes advice and support from personal friends. And sometimes it takes direct involvement from others.

Why do you keep embarrassing yourself to the community here.

And by the way, also embarassing yourself to a few gals at an east coast club that are reading this over my shoulder whom are bitching at me for not outright cussing you out for being clueless.

Ok Im done,and happy hr crowd is arriving. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
This is very well stated. Thank you Carpenter. You also should stop calling me JR. I am free to comment about what KayC_K said and attempt to give her some encouragement because she is right.

I should comment that what you say about the various aspects of dependency should also apply to the world outside of the hobby. Subordinate (we are all subordinate to our government) does not mean the same thing as submissive (meekly obedient or passive).

Society as a whole has a tendency to expect women to be obedient and passive making it difficult to teach young ladies the skills to be leaders of men, and women, and not submissive. Teaching leadership to young girls has always seemed to be difficult. It takes time and effort. Sports, public speaking, science and math all help. Most important, I insisted that the daughters and granddaughters take the hard courses in school.

Self confidence is developed by achievement over time.

A self confident woman would never allow abuse.
So having fun stalking? Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Just returning the favor douche.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
Just returning the favor douche. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Take it easy on the rudeness, hostility, disrespect, and insults. Going forward, the relevant forum guidelines are going to be more strictly enforced (in all forum sections).
Just to somewhat get back to the original post in this thread, while it is admirable you reported the license plate to the cops, unless the woman presses charges, this will go nowhere. Sad but true.