Guess What, I tested positive for Covid

I had Covid last spring. Since I have take the Phizer vaccine, and the Booster 4 weeks ago.

Two friends of mine tested positive last week, so I figured I would get tested.


I have no symptoms. In fact, I feel fine. But I was told to lay low for five days.

Covid…….The gift that keeps on giving.
bambino's Avatar
Was it a PCR test? They’re supposed to be off the market.
I have no idea what test I took. It was a the Walgreens.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hope its a false positive J.
bambino's Avatar
I have no idea what test I took. It was a the Walgreens. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Then it wasn’t a PCR test. You can’t buy a PCR test at a pharmacy. But they’re as fake as the quick test that you bought.
  • Tiny
  • 01-29-2022, 09:55 PM
I had Covid last spring. Since I have take the Phizer vaccine, and the Booster 4 weeks ago.

Two friends of mine tested positive last week, so I figured I would get tested.


I have no symptoms. In fact, I feel fine. But I was told to lay low for five days.

Covid…….The gift that keeps on giving. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That’s great, that you feel fine.. With the previous infection, vaccinations and booster four weeks ago you should have great immunity. I have a friend who got infected recently and who also had the booster and he had very mild symptoms. Also an elementary school teacher told me today all the teachers at her school have gotten COVID recently except one who, like you, got boosted.
  • Tiny
  • 01-29-2022, 09:56 PM
Was it a PCR test? They’re supposed to be off the market. Originally Posted by bambino
They are not off the market. And they’re not supposed to be off the market.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
the odds are that a lot of people are positive but have no symptoms. They are just walking around.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Misinformed anti vaxxer, spreading misinformation faster than Omicron itself.

Hope you don’t have any serious symptoms, Jackie. Seems like those who pay attention aren’t.

I had a pal, unvaccinated, who spent the entire Christmas break in the hospital. And he had COVID around Halloween. The post viral complications nearly killed him.

Another friend, in his 70s and vaxxed got over it in a week.

Choose life boyz.
Misinformed anti vaxxer, spreading misinformation faster than Omicron itself.

Hope you don’t have any serious symptoms, Jackie. Seems like those who pay attention aren’t.

I had a pal, unvaccinated, who spent the entire Christmas break in the hospital. And he had COVID around Halloween. The post viral complications nearly killed him.

Another friend, in his 70s and vaxxed got over it in a week.

Choose life boyz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

And I had a friend I have known since high school over 40 years ago that had covid twice and was fully vaccinated last year. She also got blood clots after her second shot. I haven't talked to her for a couple months now, not sure if she got a booster shot after they became available or not.

The problem is that 80% to 90% of people were not getting a severe case of covid before the vaccines came out. I am not sure that has changed much after people were vaccinated. It does appear there are more break through cases than what would happen with most vaccines, but again it is hard to get numbers for sure, especially since some tests aren't real accurate and also too many people have such mild to no symptoms with covid.
LexusLover's Avatar
The problem is that 80% to 90% of people were not getting a severe case of covid before the vaccines came out. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Saying one gets a "severe case of covid," is medically-scientifically a misnomer based on media morphing of the covid or just ignorance .... you know ...

... like Rittenhouse, "The White Supremacist," killing "Black members of the Black Lives Matter organization conducting a peaceful protest."

(I put quotes around the LIE so that the usual distortionists won't try to claim that I was making that statement as opposed to the media idiots lying about what happened.)

Generally speaking it has appeared that those with a healthy immune system fair well with diseases/viruses that normally float around our communities and businesses. That's primarily the reason why younger people do well and older people don't. Their respective immune systems. There are Rx on the market that are effective on the Covid cells and apparently stop them from doing further damage to already suffering organs. That explains why many who are vaccinated are passing it around and getting "sick" AGAIN....and still wear a mask. They've been lied to and believe the lies.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hope its a false positive J. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I'm reminded of many years ago my life insurance agent who had written insurance on me since I was born persuaded me to shuffle some life insurance that increased coverage and reduced premiums using paid values and made it easy to "qualify" by a "nurse" coming to my office to do the MANDATORY blood draw for testing for AIDS, which was the scary "pandemic" at the time.

After she left several of us went to lunch and as I was standing at the elevator I looked down and saw a blood vile lying against the wall by the elevator. I picked it up. It had my name and signature on it with that day's date. I put it in my pocket and when I returned put it in the pencil draw of my desk. I forgot about it until the agent called me and told me I was approved and had PASSED MY BLOOD TEST! (For doubters: She collected only one vile blood!).

Just remember: The Clowns In the White House recently killed a whole family at the airport in Afghanistan MISTAKING THE VEHICLE TO BE FULL OF "TERRORISTS" ... AND some U.S. military died along with dozens of wounded in the area. Why do these trash in Congress go to Florida maskless and infected to Party? One fantasizes about White Supremacists raping her in her office in DC (not in the chanbers) and the other one socializes with Chinese spies and their Chinese friends.

And you folks expect the "Truth" about a "pandemic" to modify the voting procedures?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Misinformed anti vaxxer, spreading misinformation faster than Omicron itself.

Hope you don’t have any serious symptoms, Jackie. Seems like those who pay attention aren’t.

I had a pal, unvaccinated, who spent the entire Christmas break in the hospital. And he had COVID around Halloween. The post viral complications nearly killed him.

Another friend, in his 70s and vaxxed got over it in a week.

Choose life boyz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And in my fam, the two vaxed got it bad and the two unvaxed had symptoms that were very mild. In fact, just scheduled a virtual appt with FLCCC for her bc she can’t shake the out of breath thing. One of my BFFs was exactly the same for better than 2 months until he used their I-recover protocol and was back framing houses in a week.
bambino's Avatar
They are not off the market. And they’re not supposed to be off the market. Originally Posted by Tiny
If you say so…….

This is Tiny
bambino's Avatar
Misinformed anti vaxxer, spreading misinformation faster than Omicron itself.

Hope you don’t have any serious symptoms, Jackie. Seems like those who pay attention aren’t.

I had a pal, unvaccinated, who spent the entire Christmas break in the hospital. And he had COVID around Halloween. The post viral complications nearly killed him.

Another friend, in his 70s and vaxxed got over it in a week.

Choose life boyz. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And I knew two people that were fully vaccinated that died supposedly of Covid. Or was it the hospital protocols that killed them.

I got Covid in March 2021. Was sick for a few days. Nothing too bad. I didn’t get it again. I’m not vaccinated. So I got that going for me.