NOt such a welcome to new provider FEMALE

Liliana Boy'D's Avatar
First time female provider (me) schedule ap[pointment then realized member took opportunity to be slightly vigorous and somewhat manipulative. PLEASE TAKE POLL
Liliana Boy'D's Avatar
Then same thing this evening happened. Is this website is vindictive or what pls take poll.
Be careful. Check with other ladies about how to screen clients.

Also, I couldn’t send you a PM but it says you can’t receive them.
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 06-26-2018, 07:28 PM
Be careful. This is just a organized backpage as far as the quality. If you have inquiries for dates and are unsure check in the powder room first. We can help. My screening is a bit cold so it usually weeds out the BS