STG Asian ads

Does anyone have any Intel on the ads by Asian providers on STG. If you call they give an address to a hotel, usually in Clive.
x"CY"ting's Avatar
I was just thinking how great it would be if the pics were real!! You could just call one and it was really her! I love hot asian women!
It 100% won't be the girl in the photos.. it's a bit like going to the casino, sometime you win.. sometimes you just walk away with a loss.
Might not be as advertised, like a LE surprise. Any Intel or info on that?
I’m worried about a LE surprise. Any info on that?
CPFBurner's Avatar
Whoever responds to the KK Lin ads will send you a Pic if the current girls. They also send out a one word text to let you know a new girl is there.
The Formosa ones will also infact im 99% sure the Formosa and KK lin are the same agency because awhile back I texted KK lin number and saw a girl then a few days later I texted the formosa number and they sent me to the exact same girl in the exact same hotel
Pics are taken to make the girl look younger and physically fit I found out recently.
normalguy21's Avatar
I have traveled far and jumped through hoops and then some to see some of the very attractive ladys of the far east and south east asian decent I find them absolutely charming.
That being said I have never even entertained the idea of booking through some or any of the above mentioned so called agency's or booking agents .

Many reasons come to mind but then again to each there own .

Just know that like yelling f-re in a movie theater nothing draws attention like some keywords .
1, being agency
2,being asian
3,being new
4,being young.
Absolutely positively can't actually be for real are actually happening other than a fluke .

Secondly who in the hell would want to exploit are take part of knowing the situation some of the girls could be in ?
It takes all kinds to make the world go round its ok to be a pervert just don't be a sick fuck head with no morals or value of human life kind of a pervert .
I think I just turned into some kind of pervert conscious councilor for the dammed and masterbated relief council agenda of the eastern interconfrence on oiled woks
CPFBurner's Avatar
Pics are taken to make the girl look younger and physically fit I found out recently. Originally Posted by johnnys123
LOL. I think we both fell for the same picture. I got there and she was at least 20 years older than I thought.