Having experience in this, the last time I had a committed relationship with both sexes at the same time, a threesome never occurred. Though my girlfriend was bisexual, she and I did not have the same taste in men. Me and my boyfriend at the time did not have the same taste in women either.
Neither of them were remotely interested in a three way which involved the other. They were hard to be around in the same room. I swear there was a constant dick-measuring contest. I split my time between the two of them. It was exhausting actually.
I prefer now to have one primary partner at a time who encourages me to play with the other sex as I feel the need.
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Oh, that's too bad. Its hard when you have two friends that are close to you, but not to each other. I have experienced similar tensions between platonic friends and it is difficult. To bring that tension into a romantic triangle must be hard all around.
My remarks were intended to be humorous, flippant and hobby related.