Diversity strikes again...

In the NY Fire Department:


Fun quotes:
"She’s the Teflon probie.

Despite failing a required FDNY running test five times, Wendy Tapia was allowed to graduate from the Fire Academy and become a firefighter. On Dec. 2, she is taking the test for an unprecedented sixth time.

At the end of 18 weeks of probationary training, Tapia failed to run 1¹/₂ miles in 12 minutes without gear, as required by the academy. She blamed a foot injury.

The FDNY let her graduate anyway — and gave her five more deadlines over the past six months to pass the running test.

She failed all five times, insiders said.

Normally, probationary firefighters who fail the running test at the end of academy training don’t graduate — period. They flunk out but can join the next academy class, start over and get another chance to pass the course."


The 1.5 mile run in 12 minutes amounts to an 8 minute mile pace. That is jogging speed.

So, basically, she can't jog a mile and a half without slowing down.
Maybe she gives good head.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 03:39 PM
Maybe she gives good head. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

maybe hell ...
maybe hell ... Originally Posted by CJ7

Yeah, I wonder what she looks like? That is fucking ridiculous.....and, more importantly, it's unsafe. Both for her fellow firefighters who depend on her and to members of the public who she is charged with protecting

Got to be something more to this.....Fire Chief's niece or something? Odd.
Yeah, I wonder what she looks like? That is fucking ridiculous.....and, more importantly, it's unsafe. Both for her fellow firefighters who depend on her and to members of the public who she is charged with protecting

Got to be something more to this.....Fire Chief's niece or something? Odd. Originally Posted by timpage
No, just meeting quotas.

Excuse me. I meant "diversity goals for historically disadvantaged groups".
Yeah, I wonder what she looks like? Originally Posted by timpage
I think that is her saluting in the photo in the article.

Check out how short she is compared to the guys behind her.

I wonder if they give her a little ax and a little oxygen tank too.

From the article:

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just another failed liberal policy that does not help anyone and makes it dangerous for the public.
Just another failed liberal policy that does not help anyone and makes it dangerous for the public. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
oh, I dunno. The story seems anecdotal at best. She should be shitcanned and I bet ultimately she will be....but, should blacks and other minorities not be allowed to be in the fire department if they don't score as well on the tests as whites?

Should we have all or mostly all white lawyers? All or mostly all white doctors? Should we have top-tier colleges occupied only by white kids? Except for the money-making football and basketball teams, of course. Because if you go strictly by test scores, that's what we'd have. Is that the world you think we all ought to be living in?

It just amazes me that shit like this gets your white-ass panties in such a wad and how you think it becomes the end-all be-all argument to end all the good things that affirmative action has accomplished. It's fucking sad.
Here's an example from the other end of the spectrum.....

There are still clubs in Dallas where African Americans can't gain membership....or where they have one or two token members.....all as a result of discrimination.

Places where the greatest golfer on the planet can't join if he wanted to....but, I don't see any of you outraged white boys posting about that.....
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oh, I dunno. The story seems anecdotal at best. She should be shitcanned and I bet ultimately she will be....but, should blacks and other minorities not be allowed to be in the fire department if they don't score as well on the tests as whites?

Should we have all or mostly all white lawyers? All or mostly all white doctors? Should we have top-tier colleges occupied only by white kids? Except for the money-making football and basketball teams, of course. Because if you go strictly by test scores, that's what we'd have. Is that the world you think we all ought to be living in? Originally Posted by timpage

The test should be whether or not they bend the standards to meet quotas.

I note that the article says that there are 35 women among the 11,000 members of the NYFD. So some of them can pass the test.

And you need to update your stereotypes about doctors and enrollments as top-tiered colleges.

As a percentage of the population, Asians and Jews are over-represented in both fields. The Ivy League needs quotas to keep not only blacks and Hispanics in, but also non-Jewish whites.

I read somewhere that if they went on a pure meritocracy basis (test scores), the Ivies would be about 50% Jewish and Asian, 45% white, and 5% blacks and Hispanics combined.

Affirmative action primarily takes slots from Asians and Jews - other minorities.

The test should be whether or not they bend the standards to meet quotas.

I note that the article says that there are 35 women among the 11,000 members of the NYFD. So some of them can pass the test.

And you need to update your stereotypes about doctors and enrollments as top-tiered colleges.

As a percentage of the population, Asians and Jews are over-represented in both fields. The Ivy League needs quotas to keep not only blacks and Hispanics in, but also non-Jewish whites.

I read somewhere that if they went on a pure meritocracy basis (test scores), the Ivies would be about 50% Jewish and Asian, 45% white, and 5% blacks and Hispanics combined.

Affirmative action primarily takes slots from Asians and Jews - other minorities. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I get it buddy. I just happen to think that the tent is big enough to allow all the qualified folks in while taking into consideration that it's important that everybody be represented. I'm not advocating that the non-hackers like this FDNY firefighter applicant be allowed to take a position she is apparently not qualified for...and I am confident that situation is going to sort itself out.

But, I also believe that a pure merit system may not be the best way to ensure that we get the best doctors, lawyers, police officers, firefighters or anything else. And, when I say the best, I mean the best in the sense of the those who are in the best position to advance the objectives of the whatever profession we are talking about. We need black and Hispanic lawyers. We need black and Hispanic doctors. We need black and Hispanic police officers and firefighters. Even if they don't score the best on the entrance exams to begin their professions. We need people that represent the community and using a merit-based only system doesn't provide us with that result.

By the way, I don't think too many Asians or folks of the jewish persuasion are missing out on employment because of an inability to obtain entry into a good educational institution.

All that having been said....so I am clear. Assuming what is contained in the story about this woman trying to get into the FDNY is true....she obviously ought to be shitcanned. I'm sure there are other fine jobs that she is qualified for that do not require her to run a 12 minute mile. I wonder how she has done on everything else though?
In some circles exNYer you would be considered a misogynistic racist and shouted down.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 08:17 PM
In some circles exNYer you would be considered a misogynistic racist and shouted down. Originally Posted by gnadfly

No, yours. N.O.W., Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic party come to mind as such circles.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did TimmyPageBoy just say that if only the most qualified persons became doctors, lawyers, etc. the professions would be lower quality?

Uh, that is textbook stupid.