NSA intercepting Laptops and computers ordered online and installing malware on them

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Apparently when you order a laptop or computer and have it shipped to you, there may be a very high chance that it has been intercepted by NSA and a group that is known as the TAO or ANT program that secretly unpackages the electronics and installs spyware or malware on the machines, then repackages them like new and sends them to the customer.

Gee thanks NSA for slowing my machine down, fuckers.


Forbes report here
LexusLover's Avatar
Naaawwwww ...

Chip is already installed ... in your "smart phone" too.

FYI: http://www.softwar.net/tenet29.html ... ala President Bill Clinton, not even a month after being sworn.
Been monitoring all you Obie bashers, you will be hearing from homeland security soon...LOL