fear of screening

I have never met with a provider. I am thinking about it. But one thing that is really making me think twice is the screening process. So far all the providers I have researched require first timers to give them personal information. I completely understand how important it is for providers to be safe. However how can anyone be confident that this information wont be posted to a web site, confiscated by the police, used for blackmail or hacked as what happened with Ashley Madison? Eventually all providers retire and the need for professional reputation may no longer compel them to be so careful about keeping their list of clients secret. I keep reading about the various verification sites but I have all the same concerns about them also. Can anyone tell me what the best way to go about this?
I realize I originally posted this in the wrong forum;

I have never met with a provider. I am thinking about it. But one thing that is really making me think twice is the screening process. So far all the providers I have researched require first timers to give them personal information. I completely understand how important it is for providers to be safe. However how can anyone be confident that this information wont be posted to a web site, confiscated by the police, used for blackmail or hacked as what happened with Ashley Madison? Eventually all providers retire and the need for professional reputation may no longer compel them to be so careful about keeping their list of clients secret. I keep reading about the various verification sites but I have all the same concerns about them also. Can anyone tell me what the best way to go about this?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Boston, Massachusetts
Requests and ISOs - Boston
but Boston seems dead on this board
cabletex7's Avatar
1. There are no guarantees.
2. Life is a series of risk vs reward decisions.
3. FAP is your friend and will never betray you.
4. Go overseas but 1 and 2 still apply.
Well to me there is a difference between being cautious and paranoid. In this hobby nothing is never guaranteed.

Most of the ladies (like myself) that may ask for this information from a newbie are usually the ones that will not use your personal information for nothing more then just screening. Being verified on other sites helps tremendously for your safety and others.

Although nothing is guaranteed but if you stick reputable providers you should be fine. Also you have to understamd if you saying you are a newbie to some ladies that is considered a red flag!!

Be safe!!
pyramider's Avatar
The OP needs to use the Search tab. There are answers to all hobby questions but he must do his homework or forever download midget porn.
You are wise to be cautious. 99 percent of the providers you meet here will be honest, hard working, responsible providers. The 1% is what you have to look out for. The problem is: as a newbie with no references or contacts, how do you know? Because the 1 percent will ruin your life. And the danger ratio on backpage is even higher.

First job is to build references. Get a hobby phone not tied to your real name. (Find them at Walmart) Make a list of popular providers in your area. Call them one by one. Talk to them. If you can't answer their questions comfortably, tell them why, Apologize for bothering them, politely thank them for their time, hang up, and try the next girl in line. TRY THEM ALL...IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU THINK THEY ARE HOT OR NOT! Remember....you want references. Be prepared for lots of rejections, but eventually you'll hit on a lady who screens the old fashioned way: with her guts.

An alternative: Consider:


You can have them screen you. They are in Canada, where prostitution is quasi-legal. Once screened, you can see the newbie friendly ladies there. As you build oks, screening is almost automatic.

Good luck.
MrThom's Avatar
If I were you, I would quit RIGHT NOW, because this is no place for fear.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

You don't need to provide your real name, drivers' license, phone number, address, other to anyone.

There are newbie friendly providers who take on the risk of seeing new clients. Your job is to demonstrate that you are not law enforcement. Providers require different things for screening - shop around until you find someone is both reputable and well reviewed, AND who uses screening that you are comfortable with.

Understand that you are going to need patience. Think outside the box. Make it worth a provider's time to take an interest in you if you desire special screening. Trying to bypass normal screening so you can get a 30 minute or 1 hour session for $250 or less....not going to fly. Request a multi-hour session. A dinner date so that she can screen you non-BCD. If you present yourself well, communicate, have patience...and money....you'll find an alternate means.

Remember - a cop will do a lot of things, but he's not likely to spend hours and a thousand dollars with a hooker when there is more readily available prey. Read my first review.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Wrong forum.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-08-2015, 07:52 PM
Another thread of the same topic merged with this one.
If you're not able to counterbalance your paranoia with the fact that providers have fears of being outed or blackmailed, in addition to being the predominant target of LE stings, and don't forget serial assaulters/killers, then perhaps you should reevaluate your understanding of risks and stakes

Personally, if I'm not able to verify a potential client's hobby persona or RW identity, I absolutely will not see him. There are providers who require lighter screening, but you have to put in the work and do the research to find them. Contact them only when you are ready to book and follow through with an appointment lest you become known as a time waster.

Good luck!
The OP needs to use the Search tab. There are answers to all hobby questions but he must do his homework or forever download midget porn. Originally Posted by pyramider
Midget porn....Damn.....Lol
Solitaire's Avatar
However how can anyone be confident that this information wont be posted to a web site, confiscated by the police, used for blackmail or hacked as what happened with Ashley Madison? Originally Posted by purple1
1. Dont use your personal credit card to pay for anything related to this lifestyle
2. Only spend time with reputable, established ladies
3. Dont schedule a time, then not show up or call
4. If you have a last minute cancellation, be sure to take care of your lady's expenses for hosting you
5. Dont stand in the hotel lobby, with your lady on the phone, confirming her info out loud
6. Dont be physically or verbally abusive
7. Dont haggle price or short the envelope
8. Dont post fake reviews.

All of this should really be common sense
Mz.Booty's Avatar
Solitaire you nailed it!