pics problem

Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I am having issues uploading pics to an ad. Is this a common problem right now?
Are you trying to link them from a particular website? Or are you attaching them?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you are uploading them to a thread post, check the size and type of the file. Depending on what type of file it is there are different size limits

Filetype Max Filesize Max Width Max Height
bmp 234.4 KB 1300 960
doc 19.5 KB - -
gif 234.4 KB 1300 960
jpe 234.4 KB 1300 960
jpeg 976.6 KB 1700 1300
jpg 976.6 KB 1700 1300
pdf 341.8 KB - -
png 1.43 MB 2500 1500
psd 234.4 KB 1300 960
txt 19.5 KB - -
zip 97.7 KB -